July 2010 Goals

As June draws to a close it seems like a good idea to set some goals for July. I have been especially unmotivated lately and perhaps some goals will motivate me. My first goal is to lose weight. I need to lose about 50 pounds. That is more weight than I can lose in a month. I’m going to set a goal of losing eight pounds. I weighed 218 pounds even this morning so that would get me down to 210 which is a nice round figure. In order to achieve this goal I intend to give up soda, exercise at least three times a week, and only eat out for mystery shops or dates with my girlfriend. If I do all of that I will definitely lose some weight.

My second goal is to cut back on my driving. I put about 2400 miles on my car this month. My goal for July is to cut that amount in half. I made several long drives for mystery shops this month that I don’t plan on doing in July. There were some other longer trips that I probably won’t make this month although I might still need to make one trip to KC. With a little planning a lot of the driving I do around town can be eliminated as well.

My third goal is to cut my spending for the month of July. Not eating out and reducing my driving will both help with this goal. I am getting married this month though and there will be some necessary expense associated with that although most of the wedding/honeymoon expense has already been paid. I’m not going to skimp on my wedding just to keep my expenses down so if necessary I won’t count the wedding expenses when considering whether I met my goal.

I think that should give me some things to improve on in the coming month. Now I just need to stop procrastinating and get things done.

4 thoughts on “July 2010 Goals”

  1. Congratulations on the wedding! Mine will be next month…and I feel like my soon-to-be wants to strangle me when I combine the terms “wedding” & “budget” 🙂

    It is a BIG expense, but also an experience. Have my 90+ relatives from Kansas making the trip!

    congrats again…

    • Thanks. We are getting married in Vegas so the expense won’t be too much. Since we are in our 40s we don’t feel a need for a big wedding.

      Congrats on your wedding.

  2. My July Goals are:

    Don’t buy any that isn’t food or a cleaning product (soap)!
    Cycle to work 4 days a week
    Train twice a week
    Cut food spending to $50/week
    No spending on Alcohol (I’ve started making my own beer)

    PS: Congrats on the wedding can I recommend a bottle of verve cliquo for the wedding night, it’s one of those small luxuries for you and your lovely bride.


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