May Income – $1720.21

Here is a breakdown of my income for May.

Bank Bonus$50
Amazon Merch/KDP$9.04
Other Selling$9.13
Door Dash$70.65

May was an ok month for income considering I only worked half the month.

Dividend income came in at $24.11

Interest income was $272.92. This is larger than normal since I had a CD mature during the month.

I made $70.65 from Door Dash.

My earnings from Amazon Merch totaled $9.04.

I made $57.65 from surveys.

I made $50 from a small bank bonus.

I made $139.90 from eBay and $9.13 from other selling.

I made $28.99 from cash back.

I made 1057.82 from job income. That was for a week and a half. I should make more this month although I will be gone a week to Thailand.

This month should be better since I should receive almost three full weeks of employment income.

How was your month?

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