Here is a summary of my income for February:
Online Income |
$617.14 |
Surveys |
$5 |
Interest |
$36.87 |
Cash Back |
$8.60 |
Total |
$667.61 |
My online income was by far my best ever. This won’t be duplicated soon though because I was paid for two year long link placements which likely won’t be repeated. Also I received my Adsense payment which usually takes me a few months to hit the minimum payout. It could have been even higher but the referrals I received from Prosper and Lending Club I invested in loans and will count them as income as payments are made.
The interest income includes ING Direct referrals or it would be much smaller. I’ll probably have quite a few of them this month as well. I’ll have to find some more ways to increase my income.