Budgeting and the 60% Solution

The 60% solution is a budgeting method I’ve seen mentioned on a couple of blogs. The basic concept is to limit your committed expenses to 60% or less of your total income.  Then commit 10% each to retirement savings, long-term savings, short-term savings for irregular expenses, and fun money.  Looking at my budget for last month my committed expenses are quite easily under the 60% limit.  I don’t actually follow the 10% guidelines for what to do with the rest of my money but as the article indicates once you have your committed expenses at 60% it is simple to save money.

Since I have a lot of debt to repay I don’t think the 10% guidelines work too well for me.  Right now I just put as much extra money as I can towards debt.  Since I’m frugal I don’t worry that I’ll waste my money without specific guidelines on where to spend it.  I use Pear Budget to do my budget and it works fine for my simple needs.  I use it more as a way to track my income and expenses than as an actual budget.

July Income

Here is a breakdown of my income for July.



Medical Study


Online Income


Selling Stuff/Bonuses








Online income was down because I didn’t receive an Adsense payment or sell any links in July. Also I paid for one more year of hosting for this site and two others. Job income will most likely go down in August because I will hopefully be returning to school. Interest income will also go down because I’m ending my credit card arbitrage. My other sources of income will probably be about the same.

July Expenses

Here is the summary of my July expenses.

















My transportation expense for the month was very high. This was due to having almost $600 in repairs done to my car and using lots of gas for work. This should be lower in August although my car still needs a repair which I’m not sure how much it will cost. I’m almost done with my dental work. I should only get one filling this month making my dental total much lower. After that I’m  thinking about getting some dental implants which would be very expensive. All other categories should remain roughly the same.

June Income

Here is a summary of my income for June.



Medical Study


Online Income








Mystery Shopping




I’m pleased with the increase in income. My job income should go up in July because I’ll receive a third paycheck for one job due to how the paydays fall. Online income for June includes a Google payout and a text link sale. Since neither of these is likely to happen again in July the online income total will go down. Ebay/Half income will also probably be down. Medical study income will only be $100 this month. The other sources of income will remain roughly the same and won’t make a significant difference in my income.


June Expenses

Here is the summary of my June expenses.

















The Utilities total includes the purchase of a new cell phone and my last natural gas bill. With not having those expenses in July this total should come down significantly. The transportation total includes a parking ticket,car repair, insurance, personal property tax, and registration. Since none of these expenses should recur this month this total should also be reduced significantly. I spent too much on food last month, I plan to cut that down to $75 for this month. My entertainment expense should be slightly lower this month.

My medical/dental expense will be larger this month because I’m having lots of dental work done. I hope to use any money saved from cutting other expense categories to pay down my debt so the debt expense total should also increase.