May Expenses

Here are my expenses for May. As you can see they went up dramatically.



















The biggest expense was my oral surgery which I had to pay out of pocket. This month my medical/dental expense should only be about $100. Also I had to pay for a one credit class that I added after I had used all my financial aid. My education expense for this month should be $0. With those two expenses reduced or eliminated I should have about $1400 to use to pay down debt and build up my emergency fund. All other expenses should remain roughly the same.

April Expenses

Here are my April expenses by category:

















My transportation expense went up a lot because I’m using my car for my delivery job. Food expense also went up since I bought too many groceries and ate out too often. Food expense will definitely come down this month as a result of my current grocery challenge. Medical/Dental will have a huge increase because I’m paying $830 to get my wisdom teeth taken out. I hope to increase the amount paid towards my debt also. Everything else should remain roughly the same.

I thought I had previously posted my March expenses but I can’t find them on my blog. I’ll be posting them later this week.

April Income

Here is my April Income divided by source.

Online Income




Mystery Shopping






Medical Study


Interest earned




I started a job in April so online income will probably be lower in May as I have less time to spend online.

Update 5-5-07: I have now updated the table with my correct job income. Interest and medical study income were added also. That should be all my sources of income now unless there is another one I forgot.

March Income

My income was up slightly in March. This was a great result considering there is no Adsense income for this month. The increase was from the sale of a text link and lots of paid posts. (There are no paid posts on this blog.) Here are the totals.

Online Income




Mystery Shopping






This is all alternative income. Next month my total income will be up but alternative income will most likely be down since I’m now have a job.

February Income

These are my sources of income and my total income for February.

Online Income






Mystery Shop




My net income was negative $634.12. I’m able to do this now because I’m living on my student loans. This is the last semester I plan to use my loans for living expenses.

Expenses have been deducted from the totals. The figures here are net figures. My online income is higher than usual because I received my Adsense money this month. It usually takes me 2 or 3 months to reach the Adsense payout amount but I only post it when I actually receive it not when I earn it. None of the Adsense money was from this blog. I don’t have it here and don’t plan to,I’ll provide more details on that in a later post. A small amount of the Adsense was from my blog BankBonuses but the majority was from my website BankBonuses. I’m not sure why the website makes so much more than my blog when the website provides much less information and looks much uglier as well.

I didn’t make much money from surveys or mystery shops last month. This is not a bad amount of income for extra income but as my only income it isn’t too good. I also received my state and federal tax refund. I’m not sure if I should count them as income. Since I only count my net income the refunds probably should count because they were not included in my income previously. This isn’t much money but when I get a job all of this money can go to debt reduction and will help pay my debt off much faster.