Here is a summary of my income for February:
Online Income |
$617.14 |
Surveys |
$5 |
Interest |
$36.87 |
Cash Back |
$8.60 |
Total |
$667.61 |
My online income was by far my best ever. This won’t be duplicated soon though because I was paid for two year long link placements which likely won’t be repeated. Also I received my Adsense payment which usually takes me a few months to hit the minimum payout. It could have been even higher but the referrals I received from Prosper and Lending Club I invested in loans and will count them as income as payments are made.
The interest income includes ING Direct referrals or it would be much smaller. I’ll probably have quite a few of them this month as well. I’ll have to find some more ways to increase my income.
Hey while you think that online income was not much, remember that there are people who don’t make that kind of income from their online activities.
Be patient and the money will come.
lulu- I was very happy with that income. I’m just saying I won’t likely be able to repeat if for a while and it is still far short of what I would need to meet my living expenses.