April Income – $287.90

Here is a breakdown of my income for April.

Online Income$152.12
Mystery Shop$28
Cash Back$24.66
Amazon FBA$33.24

April’s income was low since I was in Thailand for the entire month.

Dividend income came in at $22.46.

Interest income was $27.42. I have a lot of my savings in a non-interest paying account in order to qualify for a bank bonus so this total will be low until I complete the bonus.

‘I received $28 from a couple of mystery shops.

I received $24.66 cash back from a shopping portal and made $33.24 from Amazon FBA.

I made $152.12 in online income. That is probably the only money this blog will make this year. It is at least enough to cover my hosting and domain name expenses.

I’m now back in the USA. I haven’t found a job yet so this month’s income probably won’t be any better. I’m hoping for a much better month in June. How was your month?

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