December Expenses – $1376.98

Here is a breakdown of my expenses for December.

Household $403.56














My December expenses were higher than I prefer, but about what I expected.  My transportation expenses were high because I paid six months of car insurance and the annual property tax on my car.  The commute required for my new job also increased my gasoline spend.

The rest of the cost of my cruise was also paid this month. My travel rewards card did help cut the cost some.

I haven’t done the addition yet, but I’m pretty sure I met my goal of keeping my monthly expenses under $1274 a month.  I’ll share what my final results were when I post about the final results of my 2013 New Year’s resolutions.

I’m thinking I might be able to get my expenses a little lower in 2014.  I’ll no longer have my monthly fitness center membership dues of $56.14 a month and my health insurance will be about $9 cheaper, so that is roughly $65 a month in expenses I won’t have in 2014.  I don’t think any of my other expenses should go up much, but we will see.  I’m pretty happy with how I did on my expenses for the year and I’m hoping I can do even better in 2014.

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