July Income – $955.36

Here is a breakdown of my income for July.

Online Income





Cash Back


Class Action




Mystery Shops




My July income was a bit low, but it was about what I expected.  Unfortunately, my income was a little lower than my expenses.  It wasn’t too bad considering I only worked the last half of the month and I haven’t gotten paid by that job yet. Having several sources of income does help. I got another random class action suit check.  This one was from Sprint for an early termination fee suit.  I’m pretty sure I never paid them an early termination fee and I don’t recall joining the suit, but I’ll take the money.  My online income was down a bit.  Since I haven’t really been putting too much effort into my online endeavors lately, I can’t complain about what I am making.

My August income will be good since I will have two paychecks from my current job.  The other sources of income will probably not be dramatically different.

9 thoughts on “July Income – $955.36”

  1. Almost a thousand dollars. Not to bad especially if you didn’t work half the month and are not putting effort into the online endeavors. I am looking to start make money online soon so I need to ramp things up a bit. Good luck with next months income.

  2. I always like surprise income (settlement). We got one from Honda for … I have no idea, but I liked the check. I was scared I am signing something that I shouldn’t have because I didn’t understand the 50 page document they sent, but we ended up selling the car 6 months after that. So it worked out.

    For working only half the month, you did good!


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