June Income – $1791.94

Here is a breakdown of my income for June.

Interest $3.53
Amazon FBA $44.98
Unemployment $1280
Cash Back $5.25
Credit Card Cash Back $124
Uber $115.43
Investment Account Bonus $50
Online Income $63.75
Selling Stuff $105
Total $1791.94

June’s income was pretty good considering I did not have any job income.

The bulk of the month’s income came from unemployment which I will not receive this month since I’m working again. My job income this month will likely be a little less than my unemployment income in June.

I cashed out over $150 in credit card cash back last month. The $124 amount is my profit after expenses. Since both my Chase Freedom and Discover card were paying 5% back on grocery purchases I bought some gift cards to max out my cash back for the category. After paying the gift card fees and money order fees to cash out the cards I still made a decent profit.

My FBA income was pretty small this month. Since I had a loss last month even a small profit is an improvement.  I also made a slight amount of blog income. I’ll be getting an Adsense payout this month so I’ll have a little blog income this month as well.

I also made a little money from selling stuff in person rather than on Amazon and drove a little for Uber. I should make a little from both of those sources again this month.

Overall, I expect July’s income will be slightly less than what I made in June.

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