September Expenses – $1864.21

Here is a breakdown of my expenses for September.













Debt $30
Bar App Fees $933.68



My expenses were reasonable last month.  I made my goal of keeping my expenses under $1000 not counting bar application fees.  Most of the reduction in expenses was in the transportation category because I cut back on long drives for mystery shopping and didn’t have to drive to St. Louis for a clinical trial like the month before.  Transportation will be expensive again this month because I’ll likely be doing a study in St. Louis and have a trip to Omaha scheduled.

I was also happy that I kept my food expense below $100 for the month.  That will be difficult to do this month with all the traveling but it is achievable.

Entertainment expenses were too high.  Much of it was for a birthday dinner for my stepdaughter.  That won’t happen again this month but we have a trip planned so this expense will probably still be high.

Other expenses, except for the bar application fees, should remain about the same.

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