January Income $788.36

Here is a breakdown of my income for January.

Online Income




Bank/Other Bonuses




Stock Dividends


Cash Back


Medical Study




This is an ok amount considering I’m not working at a job.  I came up about $20 short of making enough to cover my expenses for the month. My goal is to make enough alternative income to cover my living expenses.  I’ve come close or made that goal three out of the last five months but there is plenty of room for improvement.  This month my income will probably be down slightly.  My online income is going to be down because my Adsense and affilliate sales are shrinking.  My dividend income will also be down because only a couple of my stocks pay dividends this month.  I don’t see any other source of income making up the difference but I will look for ways to increase my income.

January Expenses $806.66

Here is a breakdown of my expenses for January.

Household $406.98
Transportation $10.95
Food $37.23
Entertainment $74.46
Debt/Education $173.06
Phone $34.27
Medical/Dental $69.71
Total $806.66

I’m happy with this total. It puts me on track to have my expenses below $10,000 for the year. This month’s total should be about the same. I’ll probably spend a little more in the household and entertainment categories and less in the education category.

2008 Online Income Total $4644.28

I just added up my online income for 2008 and came up with a total of $4644.28.  I need to double check and make sure I added everything up correctly but this figure is at least close to correct. This is my profit after expenses but before accounting for taxes.  Last year my online income didn’t even break a grand at a total of $883.84.  If I could increase my income at the same rate this year I would be doing very well.  That isn’t likely to happen but it would be nice.  I’m setting a more realistic goal of just making at least $1 more this year.

I need to come up with some ideas on how I can increase my income this year.  Last year I hired David at My Two Dollars to optimize my website for Adsense and that paid off handsomely.  Now I just need to figure out what else I can improve and how to do it.  Or pay someone else to do it for me.

December Income- $1309.44

Here is a breakdown of my income for December.

Online Income




Bank/Other Bonuses


Surveys/Mystery Shopping


Stock Dividends


Cash Back


Car Sale


Medical Study




My income was higher than my expenses which is always good.  Without the sale of my car though it would have been pretty close and my expenses will normally be higher than they were last month.  My income will probably go down a little this month. I need to find a way to ramp my alternative income up or get a job. I know a lot of people would be pretty happy with the alternative income I’m generating but since I’m not working I feel like I should be doing better.  I’m wasting a lot of time that could be put towards earning more income or at least doing something productive.

December Expenses- $707.55

Here is a breakdown of my expenses for December 2008.

Household $414.69
Transportation $27.18
Food $38.73
Entertainment $103.19
Debt/Education $90
Phone $33.76
Total $707.55

I’m quite happy with my expenses for December. This is the level I’d like my expenses to be at every month. They will be somewhat higher this month because I have to pay for my health insurance. My new health insurance is payable every six months rather than quarterly as my previous health insurance was. I’ve decided I’m going to list my pro-rated monthly expense for health insurance rather than list it as a lump sum expense every six months to give a more accurate view of my average monthly expenses. The food expense is for lunches out and snacks only, the rest of my food expense is included in either the entertainment or household expenses.

I’m also considering paying $600 to sign up for my school’s bar prep course. That will obviously cause a serious increase in my monthly expenses for this month. Bar registration fees and bar prep fees will raise my average monthly expenses for the first part of the year but the last part of the year I should have very low expenses. Hopefully those will offset each other and I’ll meet my goal of having less than $10,000 in expenses for the year.