Here is a breakdown of our expenses for March.
Entertainment |
$539.42 |
Hotel |
Travel |
Charity |
Cable/Internet |
Phone |
Electric |
Health |
$3582.70 |
Our expenses were way too high in March. This was mainly due to my hiking trip. Hiking is actually an inexpensive hobby but I managed to turn it into an expensive one by staying in hotels way too often. This makes two months in a row that our expenses have been higher than our income. Combine that with the fact that my online income is going to be way down and it is easy to see why our savings are rapidly dwindling. I’m not too worried since my wife and I are taking steps to get our finances back in order. We are both going to do better at watching our spending this month. I’m looking for new sources of income which might even include a job. My wife’s business has some big deals which should be closing soon which will result in a nice increase in income. The combination of reducing expenses and increasing income should get our savings back up to a comfortable level.
Since our expenses were so much higher last month I broke down them down into more categories. We usually don’t even have a hotel or travel or charity or even clothing expenses so getting rid of those categories this month will bring our expenses way down.