Last Minute Road Trip Changes

I was looking forward to going to the blogger meetup in St. Louis today to begin my latest road trip. My plans changed after receiving an email Thursday afternoon offering me a chance to be a movie extra for a couple weeks. The only catch was that I had to be in Atlanta by 11am the next day. It is a 12 hour drive to Atlanta from where I live. I decided it was doable, tied up a few loose ends, and hit the road.

I did manage to make it there on time. If everything goes right I should be working four days next week and another four days the week after that. The movie I’m going to be working in is “Devil’s Knot” and stars Reese Witherspoon. It is based on a true story and looks like it should be a good movie.

I was extremely tired by the time I was done with the 11am meeting. Since temperatures were over 100 degrees sleeping in the back of my van wasn’t much of an option. My brother lives just 2 1/2 hours away, but as tired as I was I didn’t think it was smart to drive even that far. I broke down and got a motel room for the night. I will be staying at my brother’s this weekend at least. I’m not sure where I’ll stay while doing the movie. If I have to add lodging expenses to my gas expense working on the movie won’t be a very profitable venture. It should be a fun experience at least.

12 thoughts on “Last Minute Road Trip Changes”

    • I follow the extra company on Facebook and they ask for extras fairly often. I just sent them an email and was invited to work on the movie.

      The hourly wage is very low, but you do get overtime after 8 hours. And you’re mostly just sitting around so you aren’t working too hard for the money.

  1. Sorry that we missed you this weekend Andy but I think opting for the movie extra role was a good decision!

    When will you know if your scenes will actually make the cut??

    • I wish I could have made it. I hope we can have another meetup later.

      I won’t really know until the movie comes out but since I’m sitting within a few feet of Reese Witherspoon in a couple of scenes I’m pretty sure I’ll be in there.

  2. wow – that’s exciting. Let me know when the movie comes out and what scene to look for. I will watch it and point out to my non-blogging friends that I know “that guy”. 🙂


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