April 2012 Blogs Report

My blogs have taken a big hit in the past couple of months and now I need to build them back up. In order to keep track of how my various blogs are doing I will now be doing a monthly blog report. It will detail how much traffic my blogs are receiving and whether traffic is increasing or decreasing. I will also thank those that sent me traffic.

For April my blog traffic numbers are:

4,083 visits for Tight Fisted Miser which was a 33.95% drop from the month before.
2,445 visits for MyRetirementBlog.com which was a 26.53% drop from the month before.
2,281 visits for InvestorzBlog.com which was a 18.74% drop from the month before.
1,928 visits for BankBonuses.info which was a 26.91% drop from the month before.

The drop in traffic was mainly due to Google sending me much less search traffic. I can’t make Google start sending me more search traffic again but I will try to write more posts and avoid links they don’t like.

I’m also going to try to get more direct traffic. The plan for that is to participate in more blog carnivals and leave more comments. I also need to contribute articles more often to US News My Money Blog. And be more active in the Yakezie forums as well. If I am consistent in implementing the plan it will work but there is a lot going on this month so I’m not sure how well I will do. We will see when I do next month’s report.

Here are the top 10 referring sites to TFM last month.

  1. U.S. News My Money Blog
  2. My Money Blog
  3. Free Money Finance
  4. Swagbucks
  5. Early Retirement Extreme
  6. My Frugal Freedom
  7. Frugal Babe
  8. So Over Debt
  9. Selbstaendig-im-netz.de 
  10. Wisdom Steps 101

Thanks.   If you are wondering about number 9 it is a German site that lists the top earning blogs.  I’ll be falling down on that list now but at least I’ll still be on it. Hope everyone has a great month.

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