March Investment Income – $98.43

My investment income rose from $89.50 in January to $98.43 in March. That is a great increase and it is almost entirely due to gains in my stock portfolio and Roth IRA. I did add $100 to my Roth but otherwise haven’t made any contributions to my investment portfolio this year. If the stock market doesn’t decline I should be able to pass the $100 mark in the next couple of months. There is also a possibility that I will be making a large contribution to my portfolio which would speed things up a bit.

Disclaimer: This is not my actual investment income. To get this figure I first add up my retirement savings, emergency fund, and any other money I consider permanent savings. What the total of my savings would earn at 6% interest for a month is my monthly investment income. My goal is to get this amount to $1000 a month. If I have $1000 in monthly passive investment income I will be able to retire early

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