September 2009 Goal Review

It is the end of the month and time for my monthly goal review.

My first goal is to increase my passive income. I didn’t do anything towards that goal this month. I will do something towards this goal in October.

My second goal is to lose weight. I made decent progress on that goal this month. My weight went from 221 to 210.8. I was wanting to get it to under 210 so I would have less than 10 pounds a month to lose for the rest of the year. This was a pretty good result though. I knew I would easily lose weight while in Central America. Now that I am back home I have to make sure I continue the weight loss.

My third goal is to increase the number of RSS subscribers to 500. I made a little progress on this goal with a high of 452 subscribers compared to a high of 448 last month. This was despite not posting often and having mostly short posts. If I manage to start writing better posts I should be able to get the subscriber count up to 500.

I once again made progress on two out of three of my goals. I have been neglecting my passive income lately so I will make it a priority this month. There won’t be any excuse for not making all three goals in October.

July 2009 Goal Review

It is the end of the month and time once again for my monthly goal review.

My first goal is to increase my passive income. I made slight progress on this. I purchased another dividend paying stock. I’d still like to buy a rental property if I can find a good deal. Since I’ll be hiking most of August I’m unlikely to do anything towards this goal for the month.

My second goal is to lose 30 pounds. I went backwards on this one. My weight has now gone up to 225 pounds which is the most I have ever weighed. I’m hoping to lose a lot of this weight on the hike but having all this extra weight will make hiking a lot harder. At the end of August I should have some good progress on this goal.

My last goal was to increase my RSS subscriber count to 500. I made progress on that goal this month. I hit a high of 430 subscribers during the month and I am now consistently over 400. This is without doing anything special to promote this site. Hitting 500 subscribers still seems like a reasonable goal and I will do some promotion later this year to help reach that number.

I met two out of my three goals this month. For August the only goal I really want to make progress on is losing weight. If I manage to lose a significant amount of weight and just maintain on my other goals I will consider that a successful month.

April 2009 Goal Review

This is my monthly review of the goals I set for myself at the beginning of the year.

My first goal is to increase my passive income. I made some progress on that this month. I opened a reward checking account that pays 5.03% which produced a nice increase in the amount of monthly interest I receive.

My second goal is to lose thirty pounds. My weight went from 220.4 pounds to 219.2 pounds last month. I consider that not making any progress. I should be starting my hike soon which will take care of the weight loss. There is a chance I won’t hike though and if that happens I have a different plan for losing weight.

My third goal is to have my subscriber count reach 500 subscribers. I reached a new high of 393 subscribers during the month although I haven’t maintained it. Considering I haven’t done anything special to promote my blog this is good progress.

I made progress on two out of three of my goals last month which is ok. I’m aiming for three out of three this month.

February 2009 Goal Review

At the end of every month I will be posting on how I am progressing towards my yearly goals.

My first goal was to increase my passive income. I didn’t do well on that goal this month. I did reinvest some dividends in more stock but GE slashed their dividend which results in a net reduction of dividends due this year. I’m planning to work on some different sources of passive income this month.

My second goal was to lose thirty pounds. I really sucked on my progress towards this goal this month. I gained weight and now weigh 219.2 which is my highest weight ever. I know I’ll lose a lot of weight on my hike but it would be good to be in decent shape before I start hiking. The weather should improve this month and I’ll start running more when it is nice outside. Improving my diet would probably be even more beneficial than exercise though. I’m going to work on that as well.

My third goal is to increase my subscriber count to 500 subscribers. The subscriber count has been around 350 lately. At this rate I should have no problem meeting the 500 subscribers goal.

This wasn’t a good month for making progress towards my goals. There is still plenty of time to fix that and I plan to substantially improve my progress this month. Check back at the end of the month and we’ll see how I did.