I managed to put 43% of my October income towards savings and paying down my private student loan. The student loan is not in repayment yet but I’m paying it off ahead of time since it has an 11.25% interest rate. It is also my smallest student loan.
My goal is for 50% of my income to go to savings and debt payment. I won’t make that goal for November because the balance transfer of my student loan from Wells Fargo to Capital One is all screwed up and I’m not paying anything until it is straightened out. Capital One says they sent payment to Wells Fargo on Nov. 14 but as of today Wells Fargo hasn’t received it.
When I resume school in January I won’t be working so any income I have will go to basic expenses. This makes December my last chance to make my 50% goal. With the money I’m carrying over from this month into December I should easily meet the goal.