June Expenses – $1093.06

Here is a breakdown of my expenses for June.

















My expenses this month were higher than my goal of $1000. I also have a goal of having only $10,000 in expenses for the year and my pace so far this year is well in excess of that goal. Things should change in the second half of the year as I have some low cost months hiking and living in Guatemala.

The entertainment expense was high for June because it includes my round-trip ticket to Guatemala. I should probably create a new travel category rather than lumping my travel expenses in the entertainment category because they are inflating my entertainment expenses. I did great on food this month buying just three meals out and a couple of snacks. It helped being in-house for the study the last few days of the month and not having the option of buying any food. That will go up next month as I will be on my own for food the last half of the month.

Transportation expense should go down slightly next month as I won’t be driving half the month. I will have a bus fare though. Medical expense will be about the same since I have a doctor bill to pay. Household expense will go down since I won’t be home half the month. Overall I expect my expenses to go down by about a third this month and even more the next month.

May Expenses – $1092.06

Here is a breakdown of my expenses for May.

















These expenses were higher than I would prefer.  The transportation expense was up because I bought all the gas and got an oil change for my GF’s car since I’ve been using it daily to get to the medical study.  My entertainment expense was high because I bought my plane ticket for my hike and spent $80 gambling.  Even without that it would have been too high.  Both these categories should go down this month.  Food should go down a little also because it represents what I spend on lunches out and snacks  which are things I need to cut down on.  The debt category will go up.  Last month I somehow didn’t have a payment due.  I would have sent in a payment anyway if I had realized that.

My goal of having my yearly expenses under $10,000 is looking unlikely.  Once I start hiking my expenses will go down but I don’t think that will be enough.  I might be making a big purchase soon which will completely blow my expenses out of the water but will result in much lower expenses in the future.

May Income – $2141.47

Here is a breakdown of my income for May.

Online Income




Survey/Cash Back


Stock Dividends




Medical Study


Graduation Gifts




I had a nice increase in income for May. That was mainly due to the medical study although I got a nice amount of cash as graduation gifts as well. People that know me know I prefer the gift of cash. My online income was down but that isn’t as bad as it looks. The big decrease is because I spent $164 on the Thesis theme which I expect to ultimately pay me back.

May Investment Income- $76.53

My May investment income increased to $76.53 from $63.83 the month before. My investment income has been rapidly increasing the last few months due to the rising stock market. My Roth IRA had been slow in recovering but last month it finally started making decent progress toward recouping its earlier losses. It still has a ways to go to break even though. My personal portfolio has done much better and is showing a nice profit. This is mostly due to one stock going from $9.15 to $22. I wish I would have put more money in it now but I’m not complaining. I also added about $1600 to my stock portfolio this month. I will be putting most of the money I receive from the medical study in my stock portfolio. My investment income has almost tripled since I started tracking it last year. If I could maintain this rate of increase being able to retire early would be no worry at all.

Disclaimer: This is not my actual investment income. To get this figure I first add up my retirement savings, emergency fund, and any other money I consider permanent savings. What the total of my savings would earn at 6% interest for a month is my monthly investment income.

April Income- $490.30

Here is a breakdown of my income for March.

Online Income






Stock Dividends






My income was decent for the month considering it was all alternative income. My income should go up slightly or a lot this month as I have at least some medical study income coming and possibly a large amount of medical study income coming. If I do end up hiking my income will probably go down a little while I’m hiking but I plan to concentrate on bringing it back up when I finish the hike.