November Expenses – $1098.55

Here is a breakdown of my expenses for November.

















I wasn’t too far off my goal of keeping my monthly expenses under $1000. Considering I moved into a new apartment this expense level is reasonable. My food category was pretty high which isn’t surprising since I had at least 30 restaurant meals during the month. That category should be much lower this month.  I might be able to shave a little off my entertainment budget.  My transportation expense will go up because I have to do a lot more driving now that I have a job.  Everything else should stay about the same.

If you are eligible for part of the $500 giveaway I would still like to hear your opinion on how to distribute the money.

October Expenses – $1446.44

Here is a breakdown of my expenses for September.



















My expenses were a little high this month. That was mainly due to my car purchase. I left out the cost of the car purchase to keep my monthly figure from being skewed too much. I did count the expense of sales tax, registration, and insurance though which caused my transportation expense to be high. I should get my expenses back down to the $1000 level this month.

At the end of October my car had a cost per mile of $4.98. That isn’t too bad considering I had only had it a couple weeks. By the end of this month that figure should be way down. If I were to take out the purchase price from my total car cost I would obviously have a much cheaper cost per mile. Even though I could probably sell my car for close to what I bought it I am going to keep the purchase cost in my total cost since I plan to drive the car until it is near worthless.

October Income – $1586.35

Here is a breakdown of my income for October.

Online Income




Stock Dividends




Medical Study






My income for October was good considering it was all alternative and passive income. It was higher than my expenses – if you don’t include my car purchase – which is always a plus. I will be hard pressed to match this amount of income in November since I don’t have any study money or bonus money coming . It is possible that I will have some income from a j-o-b this month but it will probably not add much to my total income.

October Investment Income – $85.24

My October Investment income rose to $85.24 from $83.28 the month before. The rise was mainly due to adding more money to my stock portfolio although my portfolio did slightly rise in value also. I will probably not be able to add to my investments this month so any rise in my income will have to come from a rising market.

Disclaimer: This is not my actual investment income. To get this figure I first add up my retirement savings, emergency fund, and any other money I consider permanent savings. What the total of my savings would earn at 6% interest for a month is my monthly investment income. My goal is to get this amount to $1000 a month. If I have $1000 in monthly passive investment income I will be able to retire early.

September Investment Income – $83.28

My September investment income rose to $83.28 from $82.51 the month before.  This isn’t much of a rise but at least my income is going in the right direction.  I didn’t add any money to my investments in September so the rise was from investment portfolio increasing in value.  I plan to add a little money to my portfolio this month so I should have another rise in my investment income unless my stocks tank.

Disclaimer: This is not my actual investment income. To get this figure I first add up my retirement savings, emergency fund, and any other money I consider permanent savings. What the total of my savings would earn at 6% interest for a month is my monthly investment income.