October Expenses – $834.53

Here is a breakdown of my expenses for October.

Household $400
Entertainment $44.49
Transportation $32.52
Food $141.11
Student Loan $90
Travel $0
Phone $36.79
Health $89.62
Total $834.53

October was a super low expense month. Since my income was also low it is good that I was able to keep my expenses low. I’ve been lucky the last few months to not have any big expenses come up. That lucky streak will end this month. I signed up for the Chase Sapphire Reserve card and will be paying a $450 annual fee. That is a pretty big fee. It is especially big compared to the size of my expenses. I think the fee will be worth it since I’ll receive a sign-up bonus worth over $1000 and will also receive a $300 travel credit this year and next. I think I’ll be able to travel quite a bit next year using the points from this card.

Other than the increase in travel expenses I don’t think any of my other expenses will change much this month. I would like to decrease my food spending just a little. Since we have a week-long trip to Las Vegas and South Carolina coming up next week it might be difficult to keep the food spending down.  I’m okay with that as long as I feel like I get good value for the money spent.

How was your October?

October 2016 Net Worth Update

penniesIn order to keep track of my financial progress or lack of progress I have decided to calculate my net worth each month.

My net worth as of 10/1/2016 is as follows.

Cash – $3710.82 (+$397.63)
IRA – $23,877.79 (-$26.52)
Roth IRA – $10,450.23 (+$71.49)
Solo 401k – 988.09 (-$4.45)
Car/Stuff – $4500 (-$100)

Student Loan – $130,181.70 ($518)

Net Worth = $-86,654.77

My net worth decreased by $179.85 since the last update. Since I didn’t  have any luck finding a job last month I wasn’t able to contribute any money to my investments or pay extra on my student loan. Although I did have a small increase in my assets it wasn’t enough to overcome the $600 of monthly interest incurred on my student loan.

I do have a job starting in January so I’ll be able to improve my net worth at that time. I’m hoping I’ll be able to find something in the meantime to increase my income and reverse this net worth slide.

I’ve been using Personal Capital (affiliate link) to help track my net worth. It keeps track of all of my financial accounts and my student loan making it pretty easy to calculate my net worth each month. It is free to sign up. If you would like to sign up I’d appreciate you using my link. All blog income, including affiliate income, goes to paying down my student loan.

Personal Capital

September Income – $828.65

Here is a breakdown of my income for September.

Mystery Shop $14.50
Interest $1.46
Health Survey $75
User Testing $10
Online Income $90
Amazon FBA $594.16
Decluttr $20
Cash Back $23.53
Total $828.65

My income wasn’t very good in September. I didn’t have any luck finding a job. There was some good news on the job front though. I was officially hired for my seasonal tax job. That job doesn’t start until January so I’ll be looking for other ways to make money until then.

I did have some new sources of income in September. I made $20 referring people to Decluttr. If you would like to sign up for Decluttr you can get a $10 bonus by clicking through my referral link and using my referral code DXR9HCGXYL. You need to sell Decluttr at least $10 of stuff to qualify for the $10 bonus.  I’ll receive a $10 bonus for the first ten qualified referrals as well.  I made $75 referring people to an online health study.  If you buy your own insurance then you might qualify for the health study. If you use my health insurance study referral link we can both make $25 when you successfully complete the study. I also made $10 from User Testing. I might write more about User Testing later.

All of the new sources of income are nice extra sources of income, but none of them have the potential to make significant money. Since it is now Q4 I will try to kick my Amazon business into high gear.  Most FBA sellers make the majority of their income during the Christmas season. If I am able to make the majority of my FBA income these last three months of the year then I’ll consider it a successful year. In addition to FBA I’ll be looking for other ways to make more money. It shouldn’t be too hard to make more money this month than I did in September.

September Expenses – $1145.19

Here is a breakdown of my expenses for September.

Household $423.84
Entertainment $15.42
Transportation $279.83
Food $141.79
Student Loan $144
Travel $0
Phone $36.79
Health $103.52
Total $1145.19

September was another low expense month. Without the extra student loan payment my monthly expenses would have been just over $1000. That is two months in a row of keeping my expenses right around my stretch target of $1000.

My big expense category for the month was transportation. This was due to paying for six months of car insurance. The bill wasn’t actually due until the second half of this month, but I decided to pay it early since I was having such a low expense month. I’m okay with all the other expense categories although I would like to reduce the food expense a little.

October should be another  low expense month. There are no expected large expenses this month. I did have a doctor’s appointment in September I haven’t been billed for yet and I have another appointment this month which could cost me some money. I have met my deductible for the year so these appointments shouldn’t cost me much if anything. Other than transportation October expenses should be pretty similar to September’s expenses.

September 2016 Net Worth Update

penniesIn order to keep track of my financial progress or lack of progress I have decided to calculate my net worth each month.

My net worth as of 9/1/2016 is as follows.

Cash – $3313.19 (-$1080.23)
IRA – $23,904.31 (+$64.57)
Roth IRA – $10,378.74 (+$58.49)
Solo 401k – 992.54 (NA)
Car/Stuff – $4600 (-$100)

Student Loan – $129,663.70 ($111.47)

Net Worth = $-86,474.92

My net worth increased by $46.84 since the last update. An increase is better than a decrease but my net worth is still less than it was in July. I need some bigger increases. I’ve put in a couple of job applications the past week. I’m hoping one of those comes through so I can increase my income.

Although I paid over $700 on my student loan last month the balance only decreased a little over $100. Since the loan charges over $600 a month interest it is really difficult to make progress on paying down the loan. I need to increase my income dramatically to be able to get ahead on this loan.

I’ve been using Personal Capital (affiliate link) to help track my net worth. It keeps track of all of my financial accounts and my student loan making it pretty easy to calculate my net worth each month. It is free to sign up. If you would like to sign up I’d appreciate you using my link. All blog income, including affiliate income, goes to paying down my student loan.

Personal Capital