My Plan to Get What I Want

Monday I posted about a couple of things I wanted to accomplish and stated that I would post them as SMART goals today. For those who aren’t familiar with the term, SMART goals are goals that are specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and timely.

One of my goals is to write a book. I will have one non-fiction book written and published to Amazon by October 31, 2012. To do this I will simply write one hour a day, five days a week. I have already done a lot of research on the topic I’m writing and have an outline. The book will only be 20-30 pages because that is all it needs to be. I’ve also researched publishing a book on Kindle and have published a book to Amazon for someone else. This goal should be easily attainable if I just put in the time.

My other goal is to lose weight and get in shape. I will lose five pounds by October 31, 2012. To do this I will quit drinking soda, track my calories daily with, and work out/run at least three times a week. I will also refrain from eating chips, cookies, and candy for the month of October. I’ve tried quitting soda a few times, but this time I think it will actually work because the last few times I’ve had soda it has severely upset my stomach. The pleasure I get from drinking soda is no longer worth the after effects. Since I go to the gym everyday to shower, it won’t be a problem to exercise three times a week. I’m already doing that. I might increase my running outdoors since I actually enjoy that and this is a good time of year to run outdoors.

I also plan to change my eating to mostly low carb/slow carb. Living in the van makes that difficult since I can’t really cook, but I still think it is doable. This part of my plan isn’t too specific yet. Just giving up the junk food and soda should be enough to reach this goal, though.

Next week I promise my post will be less self-absorbed and more helpful to the readers. What do you think of my plan to achieve these goals? Are they SMART? Do I need to change anything?

12 thoughts on “My Plan to Get What I Want”

  1. I’ve been doing the slow carb diet since I read the Four Hour Body back in August. I’ve lost 17 lbs just eliminating all the processed foods. I don’t count calories. Just eliminate the processed junk. I think 2 lbs a week is very doable for a large guy.

    I love to run too. But, remember cardio can make you hungrier. I say losing weight is 80% diet and 20% workouts. They say, “you can’t out exercise a bad diet” and I agree. I’m not running again until I’m under 220, which should be the end of October.

    Good luck with the diet. If you want to read my blog about my running you can go to:

    That’s the first post. I haven’t added to the blog in some time, but there’s a lot of stuff there.

  2. Good for you mate. Anytime I want to achieve something whether it is short-term or long-term I set SMART goals. Without setting goals we are not as motivated to accomplish our dreams.. IMO. Good luck with it all but I’m sure you don’t need that. Cheers Mr.CBB

  3. Good Luck! Those are some GREAT goals! If you can not cook in your van you may want to check out some raw food recipes, many are low carb, and very healthy for you as the important enzymes are not broken down by cooking.

    Also maybe for the soda you could try a little squeezed fresh lemon or limes into your drinking water………I love to drink these, very refreshing! ( without the sugar of course!)

    Cheers to you reaching your October Goals!


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