March Investment Income – $100.13

My March investment income rose to $100.13 from $97.32 the month before.  I’ve been close to hitting the $100 mark for a few months and finally made it.  The increase was all from the rise in value of the stocks and funds in my investment portfolio since I didn’t add anything to my savings.  It will probably be at least a couple months before I add any money to my investment portfolio so any further gains will depend on the stock market continuing to do well.

This is not my actual investment income. To get this figure I first add up my retirement savings, emergency fund, and any other money I consider permanent savings. What the total of my savings would earn at 6% interest for a month is my monthly investment income. My goal is to get this amount to $1000 a month. If I have $1000 in monthly passive investment income I will be able to retire early. You can see what my actual investment income for the month was by looking at my monthly income report and adding the interest and dividend amounts.

3 thoughts on “March Investment Income – $100.13”

    • When I started keeping track of my investment income my monthly expenses were usually in the $1000 range. That is no longer the case since I’m married now but I’ve kept the $1000 target. When I get close to the $1000 goal I can re-figure what I need.


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