February Income – $1631.23

Here is a breakdown of my income for January.

Online Income




Stock Dividends






Ebay/Selling stuff


Bank Bonuses




It was a pretty good month for income, especially online income. I neglected to keep my check stubs or write down the amount of my paychecks from my job so I went with a conservative estimate for job income.

2 thoughts on “February Income – $1631.23”

  1. Could you please provide details on how this online income is made, and how you go about earning it. I’ve been reading for a while now and still have no idea how you can earn this online monthly. I see you list surveys separately. We would all like to share a little in this wealth. (Please?)

  2. Marilyn – This is a common question. The answer is I make almost all of my online income from blogging. Income sources are Google adsense, text links, and affiliate sales. There is no simple way for me to explain how I built this income stream. I’m not sure myself. It just developed over time as I kept blogging.


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