Viva Las Vegas

Gray Line Neon Lights Tour
photo credit: Smart Destinations

Next weekend I will be taking a short vacation in Las Vegas. Through a friend of a friend I was able to get a round trip flight for $100 which was too good of a bargain for me to pass up. Adding in my hotel room, parking, and ground transportation will be roughly $100 more. The only thing that could make this vacation expensive is gambling. And I will be gambling but I plan to keep it under control. I might even win. It has happened before.

I won’t spend all my time gambling. I’ll spend time hanging out with my best friend who is working a poker tournament there. I lived in Las Vegas for five years and I would like to look up some of my old friends there as well. Being frugal I have some coupons for various activities to use also.

Since I am leaving on my hike in March my original plan for February was to keep my expenses as low as possible. My frugality isn’t so strict that it would keep me from taking advantage of bargain vacation like this just because it wasn’t in my budget though.

8 thoughts on “Viva Las Vegas”

  1. I’m jealous! Good luck and win big! If you check out the new City Center let us know how it is. I usually stay on Fremont Street because it’s cheaper but the glamour of the strip is okay to enjoy when killing time.

    You hiking Red Rock Canyon while you’re there?

    • Frugal Miser – I’ll be staying off-strip one night and then on the northern end of the strip the next two nights. My friend who is working there has a car so we will be checking out City Center and lots of casinos. I did some hiking in Red Rock when I lived in Las Vegas but I’m not sure if I will get to that on this trip.

  2. Isn’t it nice to have a little “play” in the budget. Have a great time!
    Oh and I don’t know if you have heard of SendEarnings or not. It is a sister to Inbox Dollars. It is exactly like Inbox just the colors are a bit lighter on the site. Just thought you would like to know about another way to make a few extra bucks and if you are going to join, could you use the link on my blog? I’m about as subtle as a smack!

    • SonyaAnn – Thanks. No need for subtlety; I’ll check SendEarnings out. I’ve been trying to cut back on programs that only make me a little money for my time to concentrate on possible bigger money makers. The drawback is that the little ones seem to always make me at least a little money while the bigger ones are sporadic.

  3. I can’t seem to find anything that works accept for the ones that have small payouts. I just figured since you had an Inbox Dollars link, you might want to look into it.
    Have a great weekend!


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