May 2009 Goal Review

photo credit: FLY2005

This is my monthly review of the goals I set for myself at the beginning of the year.

My first goal is to increase my passive income. I made a little progress on that this month. I put most of the money I made from the medical study in my stock account and will use it to buy a dividend-paying stock tomorrow. Anyone have a stock tip? 🙂

My second goal is to lose 30 pounds. I went from 219.2 pounds last month to 218.8 pounds this month. That isn’t very good progress. If you’re entered in my $500 weight-loss challenge your odds of collecting look pretty good.

My third goal is to increase my number of subscribers to 500. I didn’t make any progress towards that this month as my subscriber count stayed about the same. I’ve made some small changes this last week, such as installing a new theme, that I think will help increase my subscriber count. I need to work on promoting my blog and improving my content though to make better progress on increasing the readership of my blog.

It wasn’t a very good month since I only made reasonable progress on one of my three goals. There are some big changes coming in June. I’m not sure if they will actually help me meet my goals but there will definitely be changes.

Also, if you want to enter the $500 weight loss challenge you need to do so now. I will be closing the challenge to new entrants tomorrow, June 1,2009.

3 thoughts on “May 2009 Goal Review”

  1. My two favorite individual stocks right now are Smuckers (SJM) and McDonalds (MCD). If you’d like to speculate I have a hot tip on the Honeymoon Handicap down at Hollywood Park Race Track.
    A for the weight issue. It’s not all about weight. Muscle weighs more than fat, so if you’re doing diet and exercise the weight won’t come off as fast. How many inches around the gut have you lost?

  2. Well, I have plenty of stock tips. If you are after yield, go for ED or KMR. If you want yield/growth go for JNJ or PG. MCD is not bad either however. Do you shop at Wal-Mart? The yield is low at around 2%, but the dividend growth is solid. I spend several thousand/year at WMT, so I am definitely trying to buy enough stock there so that I essentially get my groceries for free 😉

    • JerryB- I haven’t lost much weight yet and I haven’t done any measurements. I’d be surprised if I’ve lost more than an inch though.

      DGI and JerryB- I own JNJ, ED, and MCD and I plan to eventually add to my positions in them. I want to complete my diversification before that though. I’ll keep KMR, PG, WMT, and SMJ in mind. I’m probably going to hold off on making a stock purchase right now because I may have a major non-stock purchase coming up soon.

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