Delaying My Hike

My Appalachian Trail hike will be delayed. I’m starting a two month medical study that will pay me $7000. That is too good of money for me to pass up. I still plan to hike once the study is over. Since there won’t be as much time before cold weather sets in I’ll probably just do the part of the trail I haven’t done rather than the whole trail.

The study will usually only take a couple hours a day. That will give me plenty of time to work on my web sites and explore other opportunities to make money.

4 thoughts on “Delaying My Hike”

  1. That’s a good compensation package for the research study, here’s hoping that the down time will lead to lots of good productivity for you. As long as you have some insurance that it’s not a harmful study, that can be a great way to make some extra cash. Good luck!

  2. Hi Andy, have you done the hike yet? I hiked 470 miles in spring of ’08, part of an intended thru-hike. I’m trying to get out there and finish this year. Do you have any suggestions on earning money for the trip, or know of any sponsorship programs? Thanks for any info.

    • I haven’t done my hike for this year yet. I have hiked about a 1000 miles on past hikes. I’m heading out in July to hopefully complete the parts of the trail I haven’t hiked. I wouldn’t bother with trying to get a sponsorship. The only suggestions I have for making extra money would probably be the same as you see on other blogs. I’m doing a medical study for extra money right now. It will easily provide me with enough money for the hike. Hiking isn’t very expensive it is covering ongoing expenses back home that can be expensive.

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