August Income -$2513.12

Here is a breakdown of my income for August.

Online Income




Stock Dividends


Mystery Shops


Cash Back






August was another good month for income.  It wasn’t as good as June or July but it was still over $2500.  I’m not sure how long this will last but September is off to a good start and I estimate I should make at least $2000 this month.  Making money from these alternative income and passive income sources has been making me lazy.  I’ve been thinking about getting a job but since I’m making enough money to easily pay my bills I’ve not been too motivated.  A job will be delayed until at least after the Personal Finance Blogger’s Conference. Our offline business is getting close to taking off also. We have received a verbal commitment for business from a company that would provide us with a nice start but it is taking a little while for them to do their part so we can get started.  We are doing ok financially but I’d like to make enough to pay our bills from either a new job or our new business so we could bank all of the alternative income and passive income.

10 thoughts on “August Income -$2513.12”

  1. WOW…great job! Where does the majority of that online income come from? Surely not just this blog? Is it affiliates? I don’t find Adsense very profitable…but I only have one site and my users/readers aren’t on my site looking to buy things, necessarily.

    • Most of the income comes from direct ads and this site only makes part of my income. I do have a monthly post on my online income that breaks the income down into smaller categories.

      Adsense doesn’t do well on this blog either, probably for the same reasons you mentioned.

    • I just posted my online income report for August. It should list some of the other online income reports at the bottom of the post or you can do a search for “online income reports” or you can click on the category “expense/income tracking” to see the other online income reports.


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