December Expenses – $2287.99

Here is a breakdown of our expenses for December.





















Expenses in December were higher than in November but that isn’t too surprising since we did have the expense of buying Christmas gifts.  Our medical expenses were also higher than normal but hopefully no doctor visits will be necessary this month and the health expense will return to normal.  My new goal for the food expense was $350 and we came pretty close to that.  It seems to me that our food expense should be lower but it is about this much or more every month and when I review our food expenses nothing seems extravagant so I’m just going to accept that this is a reasonable amount for our food budget.  I was a little surprised that our electric bill was $81.32 because it has been a mild winter but this apartment just doesn’t stay as warm as our old apartment.  We will have higher electric bills this winter than last.  Overall, our expenses weren’t too bad.  Without the Christmas expenses we should be able to get back under our $2000 goal.

Online Income Report – November 2011

Here is a breakdown of my online income for November 2011.

Google Adsense – $317.92

Affiliate Income – $367.75

Brokered Ads – $58.26

Direct Ads- $2866.85

Total – $3610.78

My online income was down a bit from the previous month but it is still pretty strong.  I’m trying to increase my affiliate income so I’m not so dependent on direct advertising.  I did make a little progress on that in November but I need to put a lot more work into it.  The amount of time I spend to make this income isn’t much, I need to start putting in forty-hour weeks to really increase my online income.  And I also need to develop some more sources of alternative income and invest some of the proceeds of my online income to increase my passive income.

November Income – $3713.69

Here is a breakdown of my income for November.

Online Income




Stock Dividends


Cash Back/Surveys




November was another great month for income.  My online income was only $100 less than my record month the month before.  I will be happy if I can maintain that level this month.  My long-term goal is to increase it even more though.

I’ve been concentrating on my online income and therefore I didn’t have any income in November from mystery shopping, bank bonuses, or selling stuff.  I know that I could always ramp those back up if my online income drops off.  I’d prefer to increase my passive income but that takes a little more time.  I plan on adding to my dividend stocks next year but right now I’m building up my cash.

There will also be income from our offline business this month but I don’t include that in my income totals.

An online income report breaking down my sources of online income will be posted on Friday.

November Expenses – $1838.86

Here is a breakdown of our expenses for November.





















Expenses in November were lower than October and below my goal of $2000.  Since we made that goal fairly easily I am going to bring back my old goal of $1750 in expenses for the month.  Other than needing to buy Christmas presents and a slightly higher electric bill all our expenses should be lower in December.

Our food expense was slightly lower than October but still well above the level I’d like.  We have spent over $400 on food each of the past two months which makes me think that my goal of $300 might be a stretch therefore I’m setting a goal of $350 for the month.

The transportation expense is the other area we can save money on.  We have had a car repair every month for the last few months plus insurance and registration the past couple of months.  This month I have to replace the turn signal lens that was broken in our car accident but am hoping there won’t be any other repairs. We also shouldn’t have to travel much and should be able to save on gas.

We will see how things turned out next month.


Online Income Report – October 2011

Here is a breakdown of my online income for October 2011.

Google Adsense – $288.03

Affiliate Income – $51.50

Brokered Ads – $58.25

Direct Ads- $4153.21

Total – $4550.09

It was a record month for online income. It was helped by adding advertising to another website that I hadn’t been updating. With the money I can make from advertising it is definitely worth spending a little time adding a few posts to the site every month. I would like to start making more money from sources other than ads but that is easier said then done. My affiliate income in October was down quite a bit from the month before. It will be better this month but it isn’t much compared to ad income. I have put additional effort into boosting affiliate sales this month and it seems to be working. It will take some time and continued effort to get affiliate sales up to where I’d like them though. I’m not sure how long I’ll continue to make so much money from advertising but I’m enjoying it while it lasts and trying to prepare for it eventually diminishing or going away.