August Income – $2077.44

Here is a breakdown of my income for August.

Online Income






Cash Back


Bank Bonus


Mystery Shopping


Sell Stuff




I had a nice increase in income for August.  This was mainly due to my online income rebounding nicely.  I don’t expect it will continue this month, but if it is even half of August’s total I’ll be happy with it.  My other sources of passive and alternative income didn’t add up to too much.  The cash back total wasn’t too bad though.  I got $35 from Mr. Rebates which was almost all from my referral’s purchases. It is turning out to be a nice bit of passive income.  My mystery shopping income should be up in September as well since I did several mystery shops in August that I’ll be paid for this month.

Some people have criticized me for not having a job.  My August income is more than I’ve made from most of the jobs I’ve had.  I was making this much every month from the middle of last year to March of this year so I didn’t feel a need to get a job.  If you’re self-employed and making enough to pay your bills, I don’t think it is fair for people to tell you to get a job.

I will be getting a job of some sort this month.  Even with working a full-time job I think I can continue to make about the same amount of money in alternative and passive income.  The combination of job income and other income should allow me to pay off my van quickly and replenish my savings.  I’ll keep you posted on the job search.

August Expense – $1604.23

Here is a breakdown of my expenses for August.









Van Payment $250
Tablet $150.95






My expenses were up a bit from July and a lot higher than I’d like.   The household expense was higher this month because I paid my mom’s electric and water bill since I’ve been staying at her house quite a bit.  Entertainment expenses were ok, but I’d like to reduce them further until I get the van paid off.   Transportation was the highest expense once again.  I spent over $500 on gas, which is way too much.  I also had to buy a new tire and get the oil changed.  I’ll be making it a priority this month to reduce my driving.  All the money I’m spending on gas is basically offsetting any money I’m saving from not having rent.

My food expense may seem low, but I was at my mom’s half the month and I had quite a few mystery shopping meals so it could have been lower.  I don’t plan to be at my mom’s much this month so the food expense will probably go up a little.   I plan to make at least one extra van payment this month so that expense will go up.  It is good for that expense to go up though.  I did buy a tablet for $150 which was a bit of a splurge.  My rationalization was that I saved a lot more money by not going to FinCon and having the tablet will make it more enjoyable to live in the van.  Phone bill and health expenses will be the same this month.

My goal for September is to have my expenses, other than van payments, be under $1000.  I believe that is an achievable goal.  We’ll find out next month whether I made it or not.

My Total Cost of Car Ownership – 16.8 Cents Per Mile

I kept track of all the expenses associated with my 1997 Toyota Camry so that I could calculate the total cost of ownership per mile. I bought the Camry for $3500 in October 2009 and traded it in for $1600 in May 2012. During that time I drove the car a total of 71,802 miles. My total cost of ownership came out to 16.877 cents per mile. Buying a used car saved me a lot of money. I don’t think it would be possible to ever get that low of a cost per mile with a new car.

I spent $1376.91 on repairs. The biggest repair expense was $421.87 for replacing the timing belt. That was also the only repair where the car broke down and caused a transportation problem. All of the other repairs were scheduled ahead of time so that not having the car wasn’t a problem. I think the car was pretty reliable. Even with a new car you might have at least one breakdown when driving 71,000 miles.

The biggest car ownership expense was gasoline. I spent $6504.70 on gasoline for the car. That is a ridiculous amount of money to spend on gas, but it could have been a lot worse. The Camry got about 25mpg around town and about 30mpg on the highway. I wish my van could get anywhere near as good of MPG as that.

The other car expenses were oil changes, tires, parking, property tax, sales tax, registration, licensing, parking, inspection, and car washes. I tried to get every single expense associated with the car. I probably missed something along the line, but I think the final figure is at least 99% accurate.

The final cost per mile of 16.877 cents is pretty good, but the actual cost is even better. I could have deducted the $500 for repairs we got from the insurance company after getting rear ended at a stoplight and I probably should have since some of that money was spent on the car and the accident did reduce the trade-in value of the car. I also was reimbursed for some of my miles driven by a couple of my employers. The non-profit I worked for gave me something like 27 cents per mile for reimbursement. The Census Bureau gave me the IRS rate which I think was 55 cents per mile at that time. I didn’t keep records though of how many miles I received reimbursement for. A very large part of the miles driven was for business purposes and was deducted from our income tax. I could look up that info from our tax returns, but I’m too lazy to do so right now. The reimbursements were more than my actual cost per mile so I actually made money from them. If I were to figure the cost of reimbursements the total cost per mile might get down to about ten cents a mile. For now I’ll stick with the 16.877 cents per mile figure since it is already pretty good.

July Income – $1226.91

Here is a breakdown of my income for July.

Online Income




Extra Job


Cash Back


Bank Bonus


Mystery Shopping


Sell Stuff




My overall income was up a bit due to working as an extra.  If I were to deduct the cost of my motel stay and gas expense to get to Atlanta and back though, I would barely make any money from the extra job.  My online income was down once again.  This was the first month in over four years that I didn’t get a payout from Adsense.  I barely missed making the minimum for the Adsense payment and made more than enough in July so I’ll have a larger payment this month.  I also didn’t receive any affiliate income in July, but I made some income that will be paid this month.  I can already tell that August will be a better month than July for online income.

My other sources of passive and alternative income don’t add up to much and that probably won’t change this month.  I did almost no mystery shopping in July since there are very few jobs where I’m currently staying and with the poor MPG of my van it doesn’t make sense to travel very far for a shop.  I might sell more stuff this month.  That depends on whether I’m hired for the job I interviewed for yesterday.  If I get the job I’ll have a significant increase in income.

July Expenses – $1245.87

Here is a breakdown of my expenses for July.









Shoes $21
Travel $263.06






My expenses were down slightly from June. The biggest expense was for transportation, but it was quite a bit lower than last month.  I didn’t spend any money on gas after the 16th.  I did use a lot of gas though to drive to Atlanta and back and to visit my brother in South Carolina.  I’m hoping I can cut down on the miles this month.  I have a trip to Kansas City today so I’m not off to a good start.  My food expense is low because I spent the last half of the month at my mom’s.  I still spent money on meals out and some food though or that expense could have been even lower.  The travel expense was for working so I’m ok with it.  Entertainment was the main category I could have cut back on.  It should be lower this month.  This is probably about the level my expenses will be until I pay off my van.  I’m still going to try to get them a little lower though.