July Income – $2311.68

Here is a breakdown of my income for July.

Online Income $71.80
Interest $1.13
Cash Back $11.10
Amazon FBA $156.53
Uber $0
Mystery Shop $13
Job $2058.12
Total $2311.68

July was a good income month. This was due to my document review job that I worked the end of June and the first two and half weeks of July.  I had to take some time off of that job for my dental implant surgery. This job is project based and I may return to it after my Portland trip and hiking trip if they have another project for me to work on.

I would prefer to make the majority of my income from my alternative income sources, but I haven’t been very successful at doing that yet. I didn’t have any Uber income last month since it didn’t make since to make low pay at Uber when I could work more hours at my document review job which pays roughly double what I make from Uber.

My Amazon FBA income is starting to pick up.  Although my profit wasn’t that high this was actually my highest income month from FBA. My profit was low because I bought a label printer, labels, a barcode scanner, and upgraded to a profession account. Although these expenses brought my profit down for July I believe they will result in higher profits in the coming months. I sold at least one item every day last week and I have a lot more inventory for sale than I’ve ever had before. This should result in August being a new high FBA income month. I have a long ways to go before this replaces my job income, but I do believe it is possible.



July Expenses – $3745.91

Here is a breakdown of my expenses for July.

Household $410
Entertainment $0
Transportation $90
Food $105.94
Student Loan $183.86
Travel $61.40
Phone $36.79
Health $2857.92
Total $3745.91


My July expense were rather high. This was due for paying for my dental implant surgery which was an expected expense. Other than that my expenses were fairly typical and were just slightly over my $1000 a month target.

I will still have to have at least one more oral surgery since I need three implants and they only placed one. I’m hoping the other two will be placed at the same time. I have already paid for all three implants so I shouldn’t have any more dental expenses for a while. Unfortunately, I will have another medical expense in September or October. I was scheduled to have a biopsy in June, but the doctor wasn’t available on the scheduled date and canceled the appointment. I decided not to reschedule the biopsy, but I’ve since been persuaded that it would be wise to have it done and I’m thinking I’ll be able to schedule it for sometime in September.

Entertainment expenses came in at $0 which is the first time I think I’ve ever had that happen. We went to the movies a couple of times using free gift cards.  The main reason this category is $0 though is because the local casinos have been generous in supplying us with free slot play and free meal credit. This provided us with free entertainment and even made us a little money as well.  The casinos will eventually figure out that we’re only playing the free money and not using our own money. Until then we will get all we can out of their comps.

My health expense should return to normal this month. We are traveling to Portland for four days later this month and at the end of the month I will begin an extended hiking trip. The airfare for both of these trips has already been paid so these trips shouldn’t add too much expense to the travel category. Other than those exceptions my expenses this month should be about the same as last month.

June Expenses – $1002.00

Here is a breakdown of my expenses for June.

Household $407.57
Entertainment $38.16
Transportation $126.12
Food $107.79
Student Loan $183.86
Travel $0.00
Phone $36.78
Health $101.72
Total $1002.00


My June expenses were once again fairly low.  I missed my goal of $1000 or less in spending for the month by just two bucks.  My health expenses were lower than I thought since I had only a $4 prescription and a $14 lab fee to pay in addition to my monthly health insurance premium. This month’s expense will be a lot worse since I’m having my dental implant surgery which will cost about $2700. That is a pretty good deal for three implants, but I still hate to pay it.

My transportation expense was slightly inflated since I bought a $100 gas card for $90 which I didn’t completely use during the month. I bought another $100 gift card for $90 this month so the expense will be slightly inflated again.

We may book some airfare to Portland this month. Otherwise, all my expenses will probably be about the same this month as last month. The health category where I have to pay for my implant surgery being the notable exception.

June Income – $805.44

Here is a breakdown of my income for June.

Online Income $219.67
Interest $0.91
Cash Back $10.41
Amazon FBA $53.65
Uber $153.8
Mystery Shop $15
Unemployment $202
Bank Bonus $150
Total $805.44

June was another terrible income month although it was at least better than May.  My various sources of income just don’t add up to a very significant amount.  They have a long way to go to provide replacement income for a job.

I did have three sources of income this month that I didn’t have last month. The first was a bank bonus of $150. That was pretty easy money. I need to find a new bank bonus to do now. The second was mystery shopping. This income is a month behind so this is from shops I did in May. I did a couple more in June so I’ll have mystery shopping income in July as well. The third source of income was unemployment. This is the first time I have ever filed for unemployment. The process wasn’t too difficult. The pay isn’t great though. I only received one week of unemployment since one week counted as a waiting week and the week after that I was employed again. The one week I did receive was a small check since it was based on my Missouri earnings last year and I made about 40% of my income in Kansas last year. My Uber earnings also reduced my check. I’m glad I don’t have to depend on an unemployment check to pay my bills.

The good news is that I did find employment and work the last two weeks of June. This is a document review job that I have done before. It is project based so my employment and hours fluctuate depending on whether there is a project available for me to work on. I only worked two days this week since my project came to an end. I’ll be starting a new project on Monday that will hopefully last until the third week of July when I’ll have to take some time off for my dental implant surgery. With the paycheck I received today and the one I’ll get next week my July earnings will already be more than my June earnings. I’m hoping I can add a lot more earnings before the month is over.

Student Loan Payoff Progress Report – June 2015

studentloanpayoff I didn’t make any progress on paying off my student loan this month. Since I’ve been unsuccessful in finding a job and haven’t been making much money from my other endeavors I was only able to make the minimum monthly payment of $183.16. Since my loan accrues $21.26 in interest each day my loan balance has increased a few hundred dollars this month. That isn’t the direction I want my balance to go. I probably made a mistake by taking out the credit card balance transfer loans to pay down my student loan when I didn’t have a job. I felt certain I would have a job soon. Unfortunately, that feeling was wrong.

For now, I think I need to put my goal of paying off my student loan on hold. I need to concentrate on paying my monthly bills and putting any extra towards paying down the balance transfers on my credit cards. If I’m not able to pay them off before the 0% promotional rate ends then I’ll be stuck paying a ton of interest. That is why paying off the credit cards needs to be my priority now. Next month I will be getting three dental implants which will cost me $2700. The money I had set aside to pay for the implants has gone to pay for my medical bills from being hit by a car and another medical problem. Unfortunately, it doesn’t appear that the driver’s insurance company is going to offer me a fair settlement so it could be quite a while before I’m reimbursed for those medical bills.

In order to make decent progress on paying off the student loans I need to find a job making $60,000 or more. Although I’m confident that I will eventually be able to find a job I seriously doubt that I’ll be able to find a job paying that much. That is waaaay more than I have ever earned before. A more likely scenario is a job that pays around $40,000 and I make the rest of the $60k from other sources such as blogging, Amazon FBA, and Uber. Until I’m able to significantly improve my financial situation I will need to keep the student loan payoff on hold and concentrate on paying off my credit cards.