November Income – $3724.75

Here is a breakdown of my income for November.

Amazon FBA($10.71)
Bank Bonus$50
Amazon Merch$4.42

My income for November was better than usual due to having five paydays during the month.

Amazon FBA income was once again negative for the month. This was due to having two returns during the month. Returns having been killing my FBA income this year. That is part of the reason I’ve spent much less time on FBA this year. Next year I might reevaluate what I’m selling and try to get the FBA income going again.

Dividend income was up a little bit. There were a surprising number of my stocks that paid a dividend in November considering it is not an end of quarter month. Most of my stocks do pay a dividend in December so this total should increase a little more this month. I do my dividend investing with Robinhood. If you sign up using my Robinhood referral link we will both get one share of free stock. Thanks to anyone who signs up using my link. Every little bit helps.

There was once again no online income or expense for the month. I’m still considering making a new wager with HealthyWage and blogging about the process which will hopefully lead to some affiliate commissions. I need to lose some weight before I can make another wager though. My links for Bluehost (aff link) web hosting didn’t result in any commissions. I’ll keep trying. I need to do some review posts or something different to create interest. Next year once I’m not working two jobs I will concentrate more on trying to increase affiliate income.

I made $4.42 from shirt sales on Amazon Merch. I seem to consistently have two sales a month. Perhaps that will increase this month with Christmas sales. I have previously promised to write more about my efforts to make money with Amazon Merch and I will eventually. It will probably be sometime next year before I write that post though.

The job income provided almost all of my income for the month and that will be true again this month. I’ve already started my tax job. Adding that to my regular job I will have over 60 hours available to work each week. I won’t be working that many hours, but if I want to make extra money it makes more sense right now to put in more time at one of my jobs where I have guaranteed income than to work on a side hustle that may not pay off at all.

How was your month?

November Expenses – $1623.85

Here is a breakdown of my expenses for November.

Student Loan$132.58

My November expenses were lower than the last couple of months , but still a little higher than I prefer.

Entertainment was for movie concessions and my Regal Unlimited monthly membership fee. This expense should be about the same this month.

Transportation expense was for gas and the annual personal property tax bill on my car. This expense will go up this month since I had to get an oil change and will still be driving a lot.

My travel expense was the annual fee on a new credit card that will earn me lots of airline miles as a signup bonus. There was also a $44 expense for taxes and seat selection on a plane ticket from LAX to Tokyo for next June. I usually don’t pay for seat selection, but paying $40 to snag an exit row bulkhead seat on a transpacific flight is well worth the price for the additional comfort.

My food expense was a little better this month, although still much higher than I think it should be. I still indulged in fast food and junk food way too often. I’m doing slightly better so far this month so I think this expense will be down a little bit.

My phone bill was down quite a bit since I used very little data during the month. It will probably be a little higher this month since I’ll likely use a little more data.

My health expense was for one month of health insurance, one month’s dues for a fitness center membership, some medicine, and a $175 for an emergency dentist visit. I got an infection in my gum surrounding my new implant right before Thanksgiving. I didn’t want to take a chance on it getting worse over the Thanksgiving holiday and being unable to see a dentist so I paid extra for an emergency dentist visit. The infection is all cleared up now. This expense should be down quite a bit this month.

This month’s expenses should be slightly lower. Hopefully, next year I will be able to start having months with less than $1000 of expenses again. How was your month?

October Income – $779.82

Here is a breakdown of my income for October.

Amazon FBA($6.59)
Ebay/Other Selling$125
Amazon Merch$4.42

My income for September was pretty low. This was due to being off work for three weeks for my trip to Thailand.

Amazon FBA income was negative for the month. I didn’t have any sales and spent a little shipping in inventory at the end fo the month.

There was once again no online income or expense for the month. I’m still considering making a new wager with HealthyWage and blogging about the process which will hopefully lead to some affiliate commissions. I need to lose some weight before I can make another wager though. My links for Bluehost (aff link) and  (aff link) Hostgator for web hosting didn’t result in any commissions. I’ll keep trying. I need to do some review posts or something different to create interest.

Dividend income wasdown a little bit. I do my dividend investing with Robinhood. If you sign up using my Robinhood referral link we will both get one share of free stock. Thanks to anyone who signs up using my link. Every little bit helps.

I made $4.42 from shirt sales on Amazon Merch. I will write more about my efforts to make money with Amazon Merch in the next couple of weeks. .

Although I had several sources of income, none of them add up to very much. The job is what provides me with a decent amount of income. This month will be much better since I will have five paydays.

How was your month?

October Expenses – $2098.26

Here is a breakdown of my expenses for October.

Student Loan$132.58

My October expenses were once again crazy high. This was due to almost $600 in dental expenses and over $250 of travel expenses.

Entertainment was for movie concessions, one month of Hulu and some dinners with my girlfriend. This expense should go down this month.

Transportation expense was just for gas. My gas spending was lower than normal since I was out of the country for half of the month. This expense will go up some this month since I will be driving more.

My food expense continues to be ridiculously high. It was a little bit higher than last month’s which was also way too high. I’ve got to stop buying fast food and junk food so much. It is bad for my pocketbook and my health.

My travel expense was mainly for two intra-Thailand flights that I had to rebook and four nights hotel that I paid out of pocket since the particular hotel I wanted to stay at wasn’t bookable with credit card points. The remainder of my hotel nights were free using credit card rewards. This expense will be much lower this month although there will be a little bit of spending to set up next year’s trip.

My phone bill went up a little since I made an international call and used more data than usual. This expense should go down slightly this month.

My health expense was for one month of health insurance, one month’s dues for a fitness center membership, some medicine, and a new crown for my dental implant. This expense will go down significantly this month.

This month’s expenses should be much closer to $1000 than $2000 barring any unexpected expenses. It will be nice to have a month with a reasonable level of expenses again. How was your month?

September Income – $3166.29

Here is a breakdown of my income for September.

Amazon FBA$55.11
Investment Bonus$51.41
Ebay/Other Selling$0
Class Action$2.38
Mystery Shop$26
Amazon Merch$2.21

My income for September was great. That was almost entirely due to working at my document review job for the entire month. I worked 40 hours or more every week. Having four paychecks in a month helps.

Amazon FBA income was mostly from the sale of a printer that I bought on clearance. I had to discount the price more than I originally expected, but I still made a decent profit. There won’t be any FBA income this month since I don’t currently have any inventory at Amazon. I plan to send some soon.

There was no online income or expense for the month. I’m still considering making a new wager with HealthyWage and blogging about the process which will hopefully lead to some affiliate commissions. I need to lose some weight before I can make another wager though. My links for Bluehost (aff link) and  (aff link) Hostgator for web hosting didn’t result in any commissions. I’ll keep trying. I need to do some review posts or something different to create interest.

Dividend income was up some since many of my stocks paid dividends in September. I do my dividend investing with Robinhood. If you sign up using my Robinhood referral link we will both get one share of free stock. Thanks to anyone who signs up using my link. Every little bit helps.

I made $2.21 from shirt sales on Amazon Merch. I will write more about my efforts to make money with Amazon Merch in the next couple of weeks. .

Although I had several sources of income, none of them add up to very much. The job is what provides me with a decent amount of income. October’s income will be down quite a bit since I didn’t work the first two weeks of the month.

How was your month?