February Income – $4016.83

Here is a breakdown of my income for February.

Amazon FBA($44.44)
State Tax Refunds$361.00
Online $0

My income for February was down slightly due to the shorter month and having four paydays compared to five paydays last month.

My Amazon FBA side hustle made negative income for the month. I had a return and I decided to junk the product rather than try to sell it again. I’m going to try to get Amazon to provide me a partial reimbursement for the item, but I doubt I’ll be successful. I did send a few items in last month and I hope most of those items sell this month so my FBA income can get back in the black. I’ll continue to devote very little time to FBA since it isn’t proving to be a very profitable use of my time.

Dividend income was up a tiny bit. I’m not currently adding to my dividend stock portfolio so dividend income will remain roughly the same. If you sign up using my Robinhood referral link we will both get one share of free stock. Thanks to anyone who signs up using my link. Every little bit helps.

I made $0 in online income which is currently my norm. I think I have a domain name up for renewal this month. If that is correct I’ll have a loss in this category this month unless I make some unexpected income.

The job income was great once again. Working two jobs is paying off. I’m already getting burnt out on working two jobs. I just need to remind myself that if I keep working a lot of hours the next couple of months I’ll have the rest of the year to enjoy as I want.

How was your month?

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