Blogging Hourly Wage

Most small PF bloggers such as myself don’t make much money from blogging.  I would guess that last year I didn’t make minimum wage for the hours I put into blogging.  I’m not sure since I didn’t keep track of how much time I spent on blogging.  Making a return on my time invested isn’t much of a priority since I do this for fun more than for profit.  I make most of my money from my blog Bank Bonuses.  This blog is barely monetized but it still makes a profit since it costs me very little to run.  This month has probably been my best money making month for blogging yet.

I’ve decided that for February I’m going to keep track of my hours spent blogging so I can calculate my hourly blogging wage.  Then I’m going to see what I can do to increase my blogging income.  Since I won’t be working the next few months any increase in blogging income will be helpful.  I like having the home page of this blog ad-free though so I’m going to try to keep it that way or at least keep any ads as non-intrusive as possible. I’m open to any suggestions and I’d be interested in seeing if there are any other PF bloggers that share their income.

December Expenses

Here is a breakdown of my expenses for December.











Student Loan








Expenses were up mainly because of paying off my private student loan.  My expenses will be down this month since I’m returning to school and quitting my jobs.

December Income

Here is a breakdown of my income for December.

Job Income


Online Income




Lawsuit Settlement






My income was up mainly because I worked more hours for the month.  My income will be down severely in January since I’m returning to school.  I hope to significantly increase the amount of my other income to help offset the loss of job income.

Small Electric Bill and Big Gas Bill

My latest electric bill was only $11.14 for 50kwh of electricity.  My gas bill was $84.72 which was larger than I expected.  I keep my thermostat low but my apartment is poorly insulated and drafted.  My furnace looks to be quite old and is probably not very efficient.  For now I have to have gas since I can’t do without heat.  Sometime in April or May though I will once again cancel my gas service.  Next time I move I’ll make sure the place has electric heat.

November Expenses

Here is a breakdown of my expenses for November.













Student Loans




Medical/Dental should go down this month because I won’t have a dentist appointment.  Transportation should be down this month because November’s total includes paying for six months of insurance.  Student loans will be up because I’m paying off my private student loan.  Everything else should remain roughly the same.