Now that I have my emergency fund established I am tempted to spend it on non-emergencies. My credit card debt is down to $724 and I could eliminate it if I tapped my emergency fund. That isn’t what the emergency fund is for though and since the credit card debt is at 0% and my emergency fund is earning 5.05% it wouldn’t make sense to pay off the debt.
I do however have a private student loan that has 11.75% interest. That loan balance is almost $2,000 so I couldn’t pay it off with my emergency fund but it would certainly help me pay it off faster. It does seem somewhat illogical to keep money in savings at 5.05% when you are paying 11.75% but I like knowing that I have the emergency fund available. I’m considering being even more illogical and paying off my credit card before the private student loan simply because I can pay off the credit card faster and have one less debt. As long as I am making progress I’m not going to be overly concerned with whether I’m doing the thing that makes the absolute best financial sense.