August Income – $3145.64

Here is a breakdown of my income for August.

Cash Back$14.19
Bank Bonus$500
Mystery Shop$28
Ebay/Other Selling$126.99
Amazon FBA$46.29
Stepbet Winnings$5.68

August was a good earnings month since I had job income for the entire month.

Dividend income came in at $38.56. If you sign up using my Robinhood referral link we will both get one share of free stock. Thanks to anyone who signs up using my link. Every little bit helps.

I received $14.19 in cash back income. If you sign up for Rakuten using my referral link you can start earning cash back too and I’ll get a small bonus for referring you. These little bits of referral income help me keep the blog going.

Interest income was $9.42. The rising interest rates are helping this a little.

Job income was the big source of income coming in at $2376.51 for the month.

I received a bank bonus of $500 for opening a line of credit. I’ll be closing it this month. That was probably the easiest $500 I’ve ever made.

Mystery shop income came in at $28. That was one shop and also included a free meal. If the restaurant was closer to me, I’d do more of these. I already did another one this month.

Ebay and other selling income came in at $126.99. I hope to increase this income this month. I’ll be finished with work soon and plan to list a bunch of stuff on eBay. I have to leave at the end of the month though.

I made $46.29 from Amazon FBA. That is my first FBA income this year.

Lastly, I had $5.68 in winnings from completing a Stepbet challenge.

It was a solid income month again. I’ve made back all of the money I spent during my last trip to Thailand. I’ll be heading to Thailand again this month, so I need to stockpile money before then. My doc review job will be ending soon. I’ll try to make money from other sources, but income will likely be down this month. How was your month?

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