December Income – $2432.79

Here is a breakdown of my income for December.

Amazon FBA$16.27
Bank Bonus$100

My income for December down a bit since I had four paydays compared to five in November. This month I’ll have five paydays again so my income will be higher.

My Amazon FBA side hustle made a small profit for the month. 2019 was my worst FBA year since I started selling with FBA. This year I’ll spend less time on FBA and concentrate on just a few profitable deals.

Dividend income was up a tiny bit. Since I don’t plan on adding to my dividend stock portfolio until after I achieve some other savings goals this income will stay roughly the same. I do my dividend investing with Robinhood. If you sign up using my Robinhood referral link we will both get one share of free stock. Thanks to anyone who signs up using my link. Every little bit helps.

There was once again no online income or expense for the month. I’m still considering making a new wager with HealthyWage and blogging about the process which will hopefully lead to some affiliate commissions. I need to lose some weight before I can make another wager though. My links for Bluehost (aff link) web hosting didn’t result in any commissions. I’ll keep trying. I need to do some review posts or something different to create interest. Next year once I’m not working two jobs I will concentrate more on trying to increase affiliate income.

The job income provided almost all of my income for the month and that will be true again this month. Once tax season starts later this month I should be consistently getting 50 hours or so a week which will increase my job income. I need to work extra hours now since I plan on doing a lot of traveling later this year.

How was your month?

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