January Income – $2893.67

Here is a breakdown of my income for January.

Interest $1.86
Amazon FBA $112.33
Cash Back $17.02
Online $0
Credit Card Bonus $25
Credit Card Other $200
Job $2537.46
Total $2893.67


January’s income was pretty good even though I didn’t make much from my non-job sources of income.

January was the start of the tax season allowing me to have overtime hours available the second half of the month. Only my second paycheck had overtime hours so the full impact of the overtime hours isn’t reflected in my income yet. My February paychecks will each include about 30 to 35 hours overtime so the job income should go up a bit this month. The other sources of income will remain small since I”m spending all of my time on the job. Even though February is a shorter month, this month’s income should easily surpass January income.

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