July Expenses – $3745.91

Here is a breakdown of my expenses for July.

Household $410
Entertainment $0
Transportation $90
Food $105.94
Student Loan $183.86
Travel $61.40
Phone $36.79
Health $2857.92
Total $3745.91


My July expense were rather high. This was due for paying for my dental implant surgery which was an expected expense. Other than that my expenses were fairly typical and were just slightly over my $1000 a month target.

I will still have to have at least one more oral surgery since I need three implants and they only placed one. I’m hoping the other two will be placed at the same time. I have already paid for all three implants so I shouldn’t have any more dental expenses for a while. Unfortunately, I will have another medical expense in September or October. I was scheduled to have a biopsy in June, but the doctor wasn’t available on the scheduled date and canceled the appointment. I decided not to reschedule the biopsy, but I’ve since been persuaded that it would be wise to have it done and I’m thinking I’ll be able to schedule it for sometime in September.

Entertainment expenses came in at $0 which is the first time I think I’ve ever had that happen. We went to the movies a couple of times using free gift cards.  The main reason this category is $0 though is because the local casinos have been generous in supplying us with free slot play and free meal credit. This provided us with free entertainment and even made us a little money as well.  The casinos will eventually figure out that we’re only playing the free money and not using our own money. Until then we will get all we can out of their comps.

My health expense should return to normal this month. We are traveling to Portland for four days later this month and at the end of the month I will begin an extended hiking trip. The airfare for both of these trips has already been paid so these trips shouldn’t add too much expense to the travel category. Other than those exceptions my expenses this month should be about the same as last month.

2 thoughts on “July Expenses – $3745.91”

  1. So basically, each dental implant is like $950.00″?

    I hope things go well with the biopsy. I can tell you all sorts of medical issues just pop out of no where and it’s often not the standard stuff

  2. Harley – I think they were about $760 each. There is also another procedure they are doing at the same time that brings the total cost up. I’ve already paid about $1300 for the bone grafts to be able to get the implants. The school is a lot cheaper than going to a regular dentist, but I’m still going to be out about $4000 when everything is done.

    It is looking like I might be able to get the biopsy done this month. I’d like to have it done and over with. Thanks for the well wishes.


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