September Income – $1692.21

Here is a breakdown of my income for September.

Online Income





Account Bonuses


Cash Back


Mystery Shop


Amazon FBA

Dividends $19.87
Medical Study $700.00
Jobs $91.59



My income was pretty good in September considering I had very little job income.  The job income was unexpected since it was a final paycheck from a job I had back in 2008. It took them a while to find me.

I didn’t do a very good job of tracking my Amazon FBA income in September. I’m guessing I made about $50, but that might be a bit high since most of the stuff I sold made only a small profit and some items were sold at a loss.

I received some bonus income from the Motif referral bonus and the Betterment referral bonus.  Unfortunately, the Betterment bonus has ended. If you want to sign up through one of my referral links they are in the sidebar. If you want more information on the Motif bonus feel free to email me or leave a comment. I’m going to try to make more money from  referral bonuses. I like them because they make me money and make money for my readers as well.

My cashback income stayed about the same. If you haven’t joined Mr. Rebates yet you can get a $5 bonus for signing up through my referral link and I’ll make a little money for referring you as well.
Mr. Rebates

September was the last month of the medical study so I won’t be getting any more checks from that. Those checks did help my bottom line quite a bit. I have worked the first couple weeks of October which should result in a reasonably good income for October.



2 thoughts on “September Income – $1692.21”

  1. Hi Andy, I am a big fan of your site. I’m sure you have gone over this many times. But, how do you spend so little on food? Thanks for taking the time.


    • This is something I have addressed in the past. Most of the food I like is really cheap. Since I now live with my girlfriend my current food budget doesn’t really reflect what I eat. If I ever have a food budget of my own again I will share what I buy for one month.


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