First, I’ll have to start off with a clarification. I report my affiliate earnings when they are paid out rather than when they are made. Therefore, most of the affiliate income I reported last month was actually earned in November and December. There also fluctuations when I barely miss an affiliate program’s payout threshold for the month and the earnings rollover to the next month.
My affiliate earnings pale in comparison to the $28,000 Pat at Smart Passive Income made last month but I do have several people every month asking how I make money from affiliate programs. That is probably because my earnings seem more attainable or my traffic is more in line with their level of traffic. I’m far from an expert on affiliate marketing but I’ll do my best to share what I do know.
Place Lots of Links
The main thing that helps me make affiliate income is having lots of affiliate links on my sites. If there isn’t a link for people to click then you can’t make any money. You don’t want people who visit your site to be turned off by the site being full of affiliate ads but you can get lots of links on your site without making it look too spammy. I’ve found that links in posts work much better than links in the sidebar. Anytime you write about something that has an affiliate program make sure you include a link. You will see a few links in this post.
An affiliate ad in your header is the next best placement. You can see that I have an ad for Mr. Rebates in my header. When you do place affiliate ads in your sidebar or header it helps to switch up the ads occasionally to reduce ad blindness. Something I do at Bank Bonuses is to place an affiliate ad at the end of a post that is not related to the post. Here is an example of a post with an extra affiliate ad. This wouldn’t work on every blog but it has worked well for me on Bank Bonuses.
Another thing you can do is have a resource page on your blog. The page would include resources that would be helpful to your blog readers and also include some affiliate links for the resources. This is something that I haven’t fully implemented myself but I do plan on adding a resource page.
Use the Right Program for Your Blog
Another thing that can help increase your affiliate earnings is to make sure the affiliate program you’re promoting is a good fit for your blog. Promoting credit cards doesn’t work too well here at Tight Fisted Miser but promoting credit cards does work well at Bank Bonuses. This makes sense because people come to TFM looking for ways to not spend money and a credit card seems detrimental to that goal. On the other hand people go to Bank Bonuses looking to make money which can be done for signing up for a credit card bonus offer. Programs like Swagbucks and Mr. Rebates that are more appealing to frugal types. If you’re not sure what programs are the best fit for your blog try a few different things until you find some that work.
In order to make decent affiliate income you need to have a decent level of traffic to your site. If you only have a couple hundred visitors a month to your site then it will obviously be very difficult to make much affiliate income from the site. You don’t need a ton of traffic though if it is the right type of traffic. Bank Bonuses only gets about 3,000 visits a month but it makes decent affiliate income because the visitors are looking for banking and credit card deals and much more likely to open an account than a random visitor. It is beyond the scope of this post but if you want to build up your traffic you can do it with search engine optimization. I don’t do much SEO myself other than using the All-In-One SEO pack but I do get the majority of my traffic from search engines. You can also build up your traffic with social media but it isn’t the best way for increasing affiliate income. In general search engine traffic is a lot better than social media traffic because it is more targeted. There is tons of free information on the web on search engine optimization. With a little research you should be able to find a couple things you can do to increase your search engine traffic.
As I said before I’m far from an expert on earning affiliate income but I hope this post can be of help to at least some of you. I still have a lot to learn and need to do more to implement what I already know to increase my affiliate income. If you have any suggestions please feel free to share them in the comments.
Very good!!! I know how hard you work, and the great things that you do for people, your readers and followers. Keep up the good work and I am sure that your wife supports you as well, so she must be a great woman.
She is pretty great.
Thanks for this! I’ve been wondering about affiliate ads.
Great idea about placing lots of links. I am starting to understand how affiliate works a little better myself and need to focus some time/energy on it.
It does take some time to learn and to develop the links. Another reason I’m probably doing better with my affiliate earnings is because I have years of links now.
Time is a big factor in increasing traffic and affiliate income. I have been getting much improvement with my Amazon sales mainly from books related to investing. Of course improvement from $2 per month to $10 is a large percentage but not a large amount.
You’re doing better at Amazon then me. I think I made $30 from them last year and that was my best year by far. I don’t concentrate on them too much since the typical book commission is well under a dollar.
This is so much to take in. It is almost like trying to learn another language on your own.
I think that you should sell your serves and improve people’s sites. You know what works so you could set up their site. Just a thought.
I appreciate the thought but I don’t feel like I know enough to sell my services.
Even over three months that’s impressive – infinity % better than DQYDJ, haha! Maybe you can take SonyaAnn’s advice and consult with other writers?
There is still lots of room for improvement. I’m happy to answer any specific questions anyone has.
$708.89 is nothing to sneeze at. And as long as you keep increasing your traffic you should also see that number increase. Well written post about the basics of earning from affiliate offers.
Nicely done!
I like promoting the bank bonuses too. It’s easy to “sell” someone on something when they’re getting free money out of the deal too. π
That’s actually pretty impressive for that source. I haven’t deal with affiliates too much, but it’s clear that you’ve managed to do so pretty well. I think your notion of matching the right affiliate with the right site is spot on. Readers looking to save are not going to be as inclined to look at things related to more spending.