Online Income Report – December 2011

Here is a breakdown of my online income for December 2011.

Google Adsense – $327.58

Affiliate Income – $284.11

Brokered Ads – $62.25

Direct Ads- $2894.72

Total – $3568.66

My online income was down just a smidgen from the month before. If my income plateaus at this level I really can’t complain but I’m still working on increasing my income. The purchase of Investorz Blog has already resulted in a couple of advertising deals. I just hope I’m not stealing business from my other sites. Most of my affiliate income comes from Bank Bonuses. There isn’t any reason I shouldn’t be making affiliate income from My Retirement Blog and Investorz Blog as well since they are a good fit for financial affiliates. The reason they aren’t making any affiliate income right now is because I haven’t put many affiliate links on them. I’m going to work on adding those without making the sites spammy. I might even add some more affiliate links here if I can figure out a way to work them into my posts without doing posts just for the purpose of promoting an affiliate product.

My main affiliate on Tight Fisted Miser right now is SwagBucks. I don’t make actual cash from promoting them but I usually earn a $5 Amazon gift card or two each month from them. Swagbucks is a good product to promote because readers can make a little extra money from it and I can make a little extra money from it without having to buy anything. I’ll be looking for more win/win products to promote.

15 thoughts on “Online Income Report – December 2011”

  1. Congrats – those are some nice numbers! I’ve just seen my Adsense drop off since my golden goose was tied to the 2011 Energy tax credit which has expired. Oh well, will have to find a nice one for this year!

  2. Solid December numbers from my perspective – I’m glad you’re doing well with Investorz Blog. Here’s to continued success in 2012 – $4,000+ every month, haha!

  3. Thanks, everyone. It will be tough to keep this level up. Since I didn’t really start to make money last year until June I should be able to make more money this year even if my income drops off quite a bit.

  4. I’ve been a reader for a while now and I just had a quick question. I saw that you were running ads. They contacted me as well. Has that been performing well for you? I’m kind of on the fence about it. Thanks!

    • They have been performing much better than Adsense for me so far. From talking to other bloggers I’ve heard that their results tend to decline after the first couple of months but I haven’t seen that yet. I’m still waiting for my first payment. After I receive that I will probably write a post about

      • I can confirm this. Earnings declines after a few months, but I dont see reason why. Otherwise they have superior customer support.


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