Consistenly Inconsistent

I’m no longer hiking and back in Kansas City. There does seem to be a pattern of my making big plans and then abandoning them shortly thereafter. The hike wasn’t very enjoyable because the weather was mostly crappy and I was feeling mostly crappy. When the Census Bureau called and offered me a job that sealed my decision to return to Kansas City and abandon my hike. The Census job will only last a couple of months so I might resume my hike later but I will make those plans later.

Luckily, I was able to get my apartment back. I had already turned in my keys but since I had paid for the month of March they hadn’t cleaned it or rented it out yet. One positive from the hike is that I lost 8 pounds. I’ll probably gain that back quickly if I go back to my former eating and exercise habits but I’ll try to keep that from happening. The Census job doesn’t start until late April so I will make some plans and goals to fill the time before then.

1 thought on “Consistenly Inconsistent”

  1. I’ve worked the last 3 censuses (cenci?) and made a lot of $ fast. I learned alot about the good old USA.
    I like that you are doin’ what makes sense & cents.


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