November 2009 Goal Review

I didn’t do very well on my goals this month.

My first goal is to increase my passive income. I made some progress on this. I purchased an established website which should provide a nice boost to my online income. The purchase and transfer of the site should be finished by the end of the month and I’ll provide more details when the purchase is finished.

My second goal is to lose weight. No progress was made on this goal. It is now obvious that I am going to lose the $500 weight loss challenge. Tomorrow’s post will discuss how I will pay the $500.

My third goal is to increase the number of RSS subscribers to 500. No progress was made on this goal as my number of subscribers leveled off this month. With a big push in December I might still be able to meet this goal.

One out of three is not a very good result. It will soon be time to set new goals for next year. I need to come up with better plans for meeting my goals next year.

3 thoughts on “November 2009 Goal Review”

  1. I think you should do a double or nothing on the $. There has to be a threshold for you. What would be the amount of money that you truly couldn’t stand to lose? You have mentioned before that motivation is a slight problem. I think you just need to find a $ amount that makes you unwilling to lose. Take the weight that you need to lose divide it by the amount that you are giving away and “pay” yourself. Cheap will win, you just have to find the amount that you aren’t willing to lose.

    • SonyaAnn – Double or nothing does sound interesting but I think I should stick to the deal that I made. I’ll have to come up with a different way to motivate myself for next year.


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