May Goal Review

I’m still on track with my goal of not incurring any new debt other than student loan debt.  My other goals aren’t going so well.  I lost 3 pounds in May which means I now need to lose 25 pounds over the rest of the year.  My original goal was to lose 20 pounds but I gained 8 pounds before I started losing any making this goal a little bit harder.  I also am not doing as well on my blog as I would like.  Whether I’m actually improving my blog content is somewhat subjective but looking at my subscriber and traffic data it doesn’t appear that I’m attracting any new readers.  If I provide better content that should change.  I’m also about to implement another change which should help improve this blog.  I’m not doing great on my goals so far but there is still plenty of time to get them accomplished I just have to not procrastinate.

1 thought on “May Goal Review”

  1. I feel the same way about my blog sometimes – its easier said than done – but try not to focus on the numbers.

    Looking forward to being apart of the network!



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