January Income – $1967.70

Here is a breakdown of my income for January.

Mystery Shop $6.5
Interest $2.77
Online Income $434.95
Amazon FBA $269.6
Cash Back $12.66
Job $1241.22
Total $1967.70

My January income was pretty good, although it was lower than December’s income. This was due to a sharp drop in my Amazon FBA income.  The FBA income went down due to fewer sales after the holiday rush, a lot of returns, and me sending in a lot less inventory since I was busy working. Although I worked the entire month I only received one paycheck so the job income wasn’t as much as it will be this month.  Now that I’m working job income will be the primary source of income and my other sources of income will be neglected until tax season is over. This month and the next two months will be great income months. By the time the job ends I should have a nice amount saved for the rest of the year.

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