May Expenses $1278.16

Here is a breakdown of my expenses for May.

Household $403.75
Entertainment $80.28
Transportation $93.50
Food $168.53
Student Loan $37.71
Travel $146.38
Phone $36.79
Health $311.22
Total $1278.16


My May expenses were back to a normal level. I would have made my $1000 spending target if it weren’t for paying for a dental scan and the amount of the doctor’s bill for my colonoscopy that my insurance didn’t cover. In order to meet the $1000 target I need to have a month with no irregular expenses which doesn’t happen very often.

My total expenses for this month will probably be about the same. My transportation expense will go up since I’m driving 60 miles round-trip to work and I’m driving to a conference that is about three hours away. My health and travel expenses should go down which will hopefully more than offset my increased transportation expense.  There shouldn’t be a big change in any of the other expense categories.

I’m pretty satisfied with my current level of expenses.  There isn’t much improvement to be made there. Income is where I need a lot of improvement.

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