July Income-$1293.99

Here is a breakdown of my income for July.

Job $864.87
Online Income $370.24
Bank/Referral Bonuses $30
Survey/Mystery Shopping $13.5
Interest $15.38
Total $1293.99

My income was decent considering I only received one paycheck in July.  Online income continues to be good and I hope to increase it.  My bonuses were way down this month.  This was mostly due to not receiving any OptionsXpress bonuses but their $100 bonus offer is back this month and my bonus income should go back up.  A large part of my interest income is due to my Wachovia account paying 16% which is ending this month I think.  The amount of interest will go down but it isn’t a significant part of my overall income. Although I quit my job I’ll receive two paychecks so that income shouldn’t be down too much. Next month will be the real test of whether I can make sufficient income without a job.

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