Welcome to Tight Fisted Miser

There are several reasons why I decided to start this blog. I already have a blog at bankbonuses.info. The focus of that blog though is fairly narrow. I decided to start a new blog to share my ideas and experiences with being frugal and saving money. It seems that most personal finance blogs are written by married men with stable work and family life. (There are exceptions of course.) I can’t always relate to the material they write. An article on how to save $100 a month by cutting out lattes doesn’t have much value to somone who lives on $900 a month. So I’ve decided to blog about my life at the lower end of the economic scale.

The reason my blog will focus on frugality is because that is what I know. I’ve always been frugal and living on my small income makes frugality a necessity. I can’t write an article on how to be rich because I am not rich. When it comes to being frugal though I believe I am qualified to write about the subject.

Although I’m calling the blog Tight Fisted Miser, I don’t consider myself a miser. The difference between being cheap or a miser and being frugal is something I’ll write about in a later blog post. This blog will contain several categories of posts. The main category will be frugality which will contain general frugal tips as well as my personal frugal experiences. Another category will be lazy money which will contain information about what I consider lazy ways to make money. The other categories will be random rants and random observations which will be things I feel the need to rant about or share my view on that don’t neccessarily fall into the personal finance category. These posts will be kept to a minimum.

Anyway that is all for now. Stop by often because I plan to keep this blog updated daily.