I attended the Dave Ramsey Total Money Makeover Live event here in Kansas City on Saturday. Overall, I really enjoyed the event. Dave is a very energetic and exciting speaker and kept me entertained. There was more humor than I was expecting, which was a plus. The Christian stuff was kept to a minimum. As an agnostic I prefer it this way because it makes it easier for me to ignore. He did make the common mistake of thinking he was in Kansas. The Kansas City is in Missouri! Other than that my only complaint would be that there was too much time spent hawking books and other products.
If you have read any of Dave Ramsey’s books and/or listen to his radio program than the material covered during the event will be familiar to you. Despite that, if you are a Dave Ramsey fan than going to this event would probably be worth the price of admission. If you don’t follow Dave Ramsey you would probably be better of checking out one of his books first before deciding whether to attend a live event.
Thanks again to the Prince of Thrift at Debtfree4ever.net for the free ticket.