July 2016 Net Worth Update

penniesIn order to keep track of my financial progress or lack of progress I have decided to calculate my net worth each month. This month’s is a little delayed since I was hiking at the beginning of the month.

My net worth as of today (7/1/2016) is as follows.

Cash – $4808.56  (+$697.42)
IRA – $23,465.98 (+$427.26)
Roth IRA – $9995.31 (-$52.49)
Car/Stuff – $4800 (-$100)

Student Loan – $129,132.42 ($515.16)

Net Worth = $-86,062.57

My net worth improved by $457.03 since the last update. That was mainly due to the increase in cash due to depositing paychecks from my temporary document review job. Surprisingly, I made money from my investment last month even with the sharp stock market drop after Brexit.  My accounts must have been up quite a bit before the stock market drop.

As I’ve stated before this massive student loan makes it difficult for me to get ahead financially. Since it charges over $600 a month interest I start in a pretty big hole each month. I am thinking of starting a private practice in order to hopefully be able to make enough money to qualify to refinance the loan and start paying it down. I don’t have a lot of confidence in my ability to make it own my own so I’m putting that idea off for at least a couple of months.

I’ve been using Personal Capital (aff link) to help track my net worth. It keeps track of all of my financial accounts and my student loan making it pretty easy to calculate my net worth each month. It is free to sign up. If you would like to sign up I’d appreciate you using my link. All blog income, including affiliate income, goes to paying down my student loan.

Personal Capital

June Income – $2474.89

Here is a breakdown of my income for June.

Job $2067.5
Interest $0.98
Online Income $90
Amazon FBA $145.15
Mystery Shop $6
Cash Back $165.26
Total $2474.89

My income was pretty good in June since I worked at the document review job most of the month and received a paycheck every week. My non-job sources of income didn’t add up to much. Since I won’t be working a job this month I hope I can increase my other sources of income this month. That will be difficult to do because I will be traveling most of the month.

June Expenses – $1115.37

Here is a breakdown of my expenses for June.

Household $418.92
Entertainment $165.02
Transportation $116.81
Food $178.24
Student Loan $37.71
Travel $20
Phone $36.79
Health $141.88
Total $1115.37


My June expenses were overall very reasonable. If it weren’t for some extra spending in the entertainment and food categories I would have made my $1000 monthly expense target.  Of course, there is almost always some expense category that is larger than normal causing me to miss the $1000 target. If I can ever have a month with completely normal expenses I’ll easily make the $1000 goal. I’m going to do some traveling this month which will cause the travel expense category to be larger than normal.

The entertainment  category was unusually high in June. That was because I spent $120 on a $150 movie gift card. Although I accounted for the entire expense in June we will be using the card for months. That should result in very low entertainment expense for the next few months.

Food was high because I went out to eat almost every work day. Now that I’m no longer working and trying to lose weight I will cut way back on eating out and should reduce this expense considerably. However, I do plan on traveling quite a bit this month which will make it challenging to stay out of restaurants and keep my food expenditure at a reasonable level.

I expect my other expense categories to be about the same in July as in June.  I’ll be pretty happy if I’m able to keep July’s expenses at roughly the same level as June.

June 2016 Net Worth Update

penniesIn order to keep track of my financial progress or lack of progress I have decided to calculate my net worth each month. This month’s is a little delayed since I was hiking at the beginning of the month.

My net worth as of today (6/5/2016) is as follows.

Cash – $4111.14 (+$82.14)
IRA – $23,038.72 (+$361.07)
Roth IRA – $10,047.80 (+$182.47)
Car/Stuff – $4900 (-$100)

Student Loan – $128,617.26 ($451.38)

Net Worth = $-86,519.60

My net worth improved by $74.30 since the last update. That isn’t much but it is better than the decrease I had the previous month.

As I’ve stated before this massive student loan makes it difficult for me to get ahead financially. I applied to refinance my loans earlier this month and was declined. That isn’t too surprising considering the amount of my debt compared to my income level. At my current income level it is almost impossible to make any progress on my loans. I’m hoping I’ll be able to increase my income considerably by the end of the year and do have an idea of how to accomplish that.

I’ve been using Personal Capital (aff link) to help track my net worth. It keeps track of all of my financial accounts and my student loan making it pretty easy to calculate my net worth each month. It is free to sign up. If you would like to sign up I’d appreciate you using my link.

Personal Capital

May Income – $940.63

Here is a breakdown of my income for May.

Job $283.62
Interest $0.82
Online Income $284.85
Amazon FBA $246.27
Cash Back $125.07
Total $940.63

My income wasn’t too great in May. I did start a job in the second half of the month. I only received a paycheck for two days work in May so the job didn’t provide much of an income boost for May.  The job paychecks should make this month a much better income month.

It was nice to have two profitable online months in a row. My online income will probably never return to the level it was a few years ago, but if I can make a thousand dollars or two from blogging I’ll be happy with that.

My FBA income has been pretty pitiful the last couple of months. I’d like to rebuild FBA income back to the $1000 a month level which I know is possible. That will have to wait since I don’t want to put too much time into FBA while I’m working a full-time job. On a positive note, making purchases for FBA has increased my cash back income.

For now I will mainly focus on making money from my job.